Fasting and its effect on diabetic.. Rapid extraction of glucose from starch stocks in the liver to compensate for the lack of glucose in the blood

Fasting and its effect on diabetic

  • When a person fasts for food less than the rate of glucose (sugar) in the blood. To compensate for this is the hormone called Glucagone Of the pancreas, as well as the hormone adrenaline adrenaline Of adrenal, and works two hormones on the rapid extraction of glucose from starch stocks in the liver to compensate for the lack of glucose in the blood.
  • And if it goes to fast for longer periods increases the secretion of the hormone cortisone and growth hormone to work on the formation of glucose from protein and fat.
  • Patients often ask about the possibility of sugar fasting month of Ramadan, without that happening to him health problems. In fact stop fasting diabetic on several factors such as:
  • Patients who suffer from the instability of their sugar level and suffering from complications in heart, kidney or nerve and pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to fast.
  • Also does not allow fasting for patients who take large doses of insulin or exposed to a coma or the appearance of acetone in the urine. Fasting helps an acidity of the blood due to the consumption of fat stored in the body and burn it in the absence of carbohydrates for energy production.
  • Patients who require a single dose of insulin, and the level of sugar have stable, they can fast.
  • Patients treated with reduced sugar disks, and the level of sugar have disciplined and taking pills does not conflict with their fast Those them fast.
  • Others do not harm them fast on the contrary may benefit them, such as people living with obesity.
  • In general, identifying fast or not is up to consult your physician and by the condition.
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