Foundations diabetes prevention and control.. Limit the intake of fat eat more foods rich in natural fiber and exercise regularly

Foundations diabetes prevention and control

  • Eat three main meals with 2-3 snacks, and this is important for people with insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Limit the intake of fat, so that no more than 30% of the total thermal energy, and food must be low cholesterol and low saturated fat.
  • Limit the intake of foods that contain processed sugars or simple sugars.
  • For example: Food made ​​from white flour biscuit Such as cakes, Doughnuts, etc.
  • Eating foods rich in natural fiber helps reduce blood sugar, such as vegetables and whole grains and wheat bran.
  • Example: legumes (beans, peas, beans, etc.), brown bread, love mash ..
  • And usually preferred eating a plate of beans for dinner.
  • Limit the intake of salted foods and use of salt in food in general (must not exceed salt intake per day for 3 grams). Because a lot of salt leads to storage of water in the body, leading to a rise in blood pressure.
  • More than eating green vegetables because they are low calorie and rich in salt and vitamins (such as lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, etc.)
  • Use vegetable oils, such as olive oil, and avoid animal fats (Kalsmon and butter) because it is rich in saturated fat harmful to the health of the heart and arteries.
  • Always consumed milk and milk products free or low-fat (milk / yogurt / cheese / Adobe ..)
  • Water is very important to your diet, drink at least 8 glasses a day.
  • Use grilling or boiling process in the preparation of food instead of frying process.
  • Avoid fast foods (Kalpatza and sandwiches, burgers, chicken and shawarma ..)
  • You can be addressed if attended by yourself (for example, Choi burgers instead of frying, use brown bread instead of white, abound power and reduce the ketchup and mayonnaise, add low-fat cheese instead of full-fat .. and so on)
  • You can eat jam your diabetes.
  • Careful to exercise regularly. Where that sport is an essential factor in the treatment of diabetes, and more daily movement, improved absorption of sugar in the cells of the body.

Generally foods that you should avoid are:

  • Honey, jam, sugar, sweets, chocolates, cakes and pies, sweet candy, jelly and cream caramel, ice cream, dried fruit, nuts butter and margarine, milk and cheese full-fat, fried foods, coconut and foods that contain it, drink and natural fruit juice (cocktail), though not sweet.
  • All kinds of soft drinks (unless it is free of calories) and juices manufactured as femtosecond and Tang.
  • Organic meat such as the brain, liver and kidneys, shellfish such as lobster, shrimp and shrimp, grease, oil and animal fats as margarine.

Foods that should be minimized:

Potatoes, rice, egg yolks (twice a week), red meat.

Allowed foods:

Green salad (which contains lettuce and cucumbers ..), fiber-rich foods such as legumes (beans, lentils, beans...), brown bread and processed foods from wheat bran, vegetables
Milk and milk products free of fat (cheese, yoghurt and cream), piece of fruit per day (three Tmrat day).
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