Tips for the prevention of complications of diabetes type I, especially in children and young people

Tips for the prevention

daily and periodic tests:

Analysis required
Later analysis work
Ideal figure
·          Blood sugar
         Fasting in the laboratory
Every two months
70-130 mg / dl
     Fasting at home device
Three times a week
70-130 mg / dl
     Before lunch or dinner to the device
Three times a week
70-130 mg / dl
         When you sleep device
Three times a week
70 - 130 mg / dL
     After breakfast or lunch two hours
Three times a week
80 - 150 mg / dL
     4am device
Three times a week
100-140 mg / dl
·   Glycated hemoglobinA 1 C
Every three to six months
Less than 7%
·   Fasting blood cholesterol

Per year

Low-density cholesterolLDL-C Less than 100 mg / dL
High-density cholesterolHDL-C More than 40 mg / dL in men and more than 50 mg / dL in women
·   Blood triglyceridesTriglycerides
Per year
Less than 150 mg / dL
Blood creatinine and creatinine extract
·     Creatinine clearance
Every year from the age of

·   Analysis of urine albumin Invisible
Begins after five years of
Then diabetes each year.
·   And thyroid functionTFT

When diabetes is detected and then every year
·     Screening for disease recharges
(Wheat allergy Celiac disease )
When diabetes is detected and then every year

  • 2 - examine the retina of the eyes using the ophthalmoscope (Consultant Eye) after three years of the discovery of diabetes and then every year.
  • 3 - dental examination each year.
  • 4 - Insulin is the only appropriate remedy for the disease, one of the necessities of life such as air 0 Beware stop insulin and careful use of herbs or deceptive advertising. Better insulin injection systems is a single dose of basal insulin basal insulin Injected under the skin in the ninth or eight in the evening with three doses of insulin human water under the skin twenty minutes before meals or three doses of fast-acting insulin isotopes before or immediately after a meal.
  • 5 - vaccination against influenza every year against pneumonia once in a lifetime.
  • 6 - the use of artificial sweeteners like Osbertam (Canderel) to sweeten tea or drinks a substitute for sugar.
  • 7 - Keep your feet and wore the right shoes 0 See a doctor if there is redness or swelling or any foot injuries.
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