The organic and inorganic functions of organic and inorganic. The oxygen function in a part of the molecule between the amino function and the oxygen atom

Organic or inorganic and organic functions are either alcoholic, phenolic or acidic, depending on the oxygen position of the amine group. In such cases, the oxygen function present in a part of the molecule between the amino function and the oxygen atom of any of the etheric or esterative function to be taken into consideration. If the compound contains two or more etheric or esteric functions, the molecule to be considered or adopted is the oxygen atom in both the etheric or esteric function
The oxygen function taken into consideration is found only in the same side of the nucleus with the amino function, referred to as the sector (which has an amino function on the "parental" side, for example, the 3-aminoethoxy) propionic "Parental" is the aminotanol and the carboxylic acid group is not taken into consideration for the purposes of extinction; kather is an amino acid.
If the compound has two or more amino functions attached to the same ethereal or hysterical function, it is included in the sub-item that comes late in the last numerical order of the sub-series; this sub-item is determined after considering the etheric or astrological function as an alcoholic, Acidic for the amino function.
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