Causes of sleep disorders.. Emotional disorder, tension and instability, frightening stories (especially about sprites), intimidation and a lot of concerns

The main causes of sleep disorders are:
1. Vital causes:
Such as illness, physical stress, nervous stress, inadequate sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep.
2 - psychological reasons:
Anxiety, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear, fear of darkness, life problems, escape from sleep, lack of satisfaction of needs, parents' preoccupation with children overtime, as in the case of children. working woman.
3. Environmental causes:
Such as parents' erroneous attitudes about sleep and their requirements, forcing the child to sleep at a specified time according to their living conditions, sleeping too little or too long, sleeping or sleeping as a threat or punishment, ill-treatment methods, and social factors such as cramping and sleeping with parents in the same room. Etc.
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