Treatment of output disorders.. Relieve emotional stress and anxiety. Do not resort to corporal punishment. Treatment of the causes of jealousy and academic failure. Treatment of organic diseases such as sugar and allergies after analysis of urine, stool and blood

Here are the most important treatment disorders of output:
1 - Individual or collective psychotherapy:
In order to reduce emotional pressure and anxiety, including therapeutic talk and enlightenment and persuasion and to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages, and to urge success, and the responsibility of treatment on the individual, and the confidence in the success and uses behavioral therapy in a manner of mutual cessation and the use of devices such as the treatment of urine.
2 - Parent guidance:
About the lack of excessive focus on the problem and the treatment of the child quietly and not resort to corporal punishment, which makes matters worse, and urged the cooperation of the child and parents on the attendance and accuracy in the implementation of the system developed by the processor long enough, and satisfy the needs of the child of security and appreciation and kindness,
3 - Environmental treatment:
On the treatment of the causes of jealousy and failure of the school, and help adults to prevent the child to eat the types that require drinking large amounts of water and prevent liquids in the evening, and urged him to urinate immediately before sleep, and wake him at a certain hour of the night to urinate is fully awake and organize dates of urination and The child and adjust himself during the day and meet the need to urinate and stand in the right time and help the child to overcome everything that makes urination or defecation difficult as after the place, or dark or dark road to it .. Etc.
4 - Medical treatment:
It includes the treatment of organic diseases such as sugar and allergies after analysis of urine, stool and blood, the use of medical drugs as the case, and neurological treatment and treatment of anatomical defects.
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