continuation of breast-feeding - low-set ears are associated with chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome

- Most authorities strongly encourage the continuation of breast-feeding on both the affected and the unaffected breast of patients with mastitis.
- Neonates are nearsighted and focus on items that are held 10" to 12" (25 to 30.5 cm) away.
- In a neonate, low-set ears are associated with chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.

Breast feeding is the process of feeding the baby with the milk produced by the female breast by sucking.
It is a fungal process that is common to humans and other mammals and continues from birth to weaning.

Duration of lactation:
The World Health Organization (WHO) advises 6 months of breastfeeding and the duration of breastfeeding varies depending on the regions and cultures.
Some people stop breastfeeding for a short period after birth, and some continue to breastfeed for up to 24 months.
Among the reasons for stopping breastfeeding early, the lack of milk from the mother and thus the lack of saturation of the child, fear of slackening of the breasts because of the process of breastfeeding.

Components of mother's milk (Human):
Mother's milk consists mainly of:
- 87.5% of the water
- 7% of sugars
- 4% of lipids
- 1% protein
- 0.5% of microhydrates (salts, vitamins ...)
The mother's milk changes according to the needs of the baby and we notice that especially in the transition from colostrum to normal milk within three weeks.
Breast milk contains components that are not different in different regions around the world but there is still an impact on lifestyle and food type.

Benefits of breastfeeding:
Avoid breast feeding children with asthma, eczema, fatigue, allergic rhinitis, allergies of cow's milk proteins.
We also refer to:
- Reduce the incidence of cancer in children and adults who benefited from breastfeeding.
- Good growth of decomposition and avoid abnormal growth of teeth
As for the mother, natural breastfeeding leads to:
- Continuity of secretion of pregnancy hormones.
- Increase the proportion of oxytocin which leads to contraction of the uterus after birth and reduce postpartum hemorrhage
- Proactin, which works on milk prodding has a hypnotic effect on mother and baby.
- Helps the mother to regain the weight of pre-pregnancy by consuming the stock of lunch.
- delay the return of the habit that returns usually 3 months after birth in the event of non-breastfeeding.
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