Treatment of internal psychological factors.. Physiological Almikanzmat that get in the form of effective activity in the nervous system Top

Perhaps the biggest contribution in the field of psychiatry is what he had done prestigious German psychiatrist Bonhayevr (1868 - 1948), which stressed the external factors that seem symptoms on the patient And cured which lies behind the internal factors. And if this is neglected symptoms they interact among them And lead to hurt mental and physical health of the patient, arise from the Syndroms Carries unspecified mental disorders, causing Disturbed forces of reason, especially unconscious aspects of it.
Notable contributions in the field of psychiatry is the principle of Pavlov (1849 - 1936) on physiological Mechanisms that get in the form of effective activity in the nervous system up, and which resulted from this principle and confirmed a satisfactory relationship between mental disorders and neurological disorders.
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