The testicular lipid hormone responsible for secondary sex traits in men increases the growth and activity of secondary sex organs such as penis, scrotum, prostate and seminal vesicles.
The lipid hormone is responsible for increasing growth Hair in special places of the body, such as hair of the chin and chest and pubic hair, and also stimulates the growth of the throat, and then the volume of sound also affects the hormone central nervous system Central Central System (CNS) and causes Aggressive behavior and increase sexual desire.
The hormone lipid testicular effects on the metabolic side, the most important increase in the amount of manufactured proteins of the body, causing an increase in muscle growth and strength also increases the density and strength of bones.
The secretion of adipose hormone produced from the cells of your hands in the testis is regulated by LH and FSH.
It was found that the reduction of the hormone causes low bone density and decreased muscle mass while its height is a risk of cancer Prostate.
Lactic acid, lactic acid, lactic acid or an important chemical compound in many biochemical processes, is chemically classified as a carboxylic acid with the formula C2H4OHCOOH.
Lactic acid mainly produces muscle, skin and red blood cells, especially in the absence of oxygen. Its measurement allows identification of tissue oxidation status and the balance of ions (positive charge (+) or negative (-)).
It is also produced by the bacteria that are grown in the milk because of the acid taste. Besides milk, milk is found in different foods, as well as in a number of fruits, alcohol and muscle.
These are some bacteria that use the sugar lactose (Bacillus acidilacti) and Lactobacillus delbueciii L. bulgaricuswhey, where lactic acid is produced from fermentation by bacteric acid bacteria in the absence of oxygen.
Lactic acid is produced in the body in previously expected quantities as a final product of the anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, which causes pain when it is concentrated and can be considered nontoxic in the concentrations in which it is used as a toxin.
For example, a 1% pain-free solution is applied to the skin.
The precautions used in dealing with the material vary according to the concentration and surrounding conditions. It can cause skin and eye irritation, and it also causes pain when swallowing, inhaling or absorbing it through the skin, and it is needed when using eye protectors and rubber gloves.
It is recommended to treat it in a chemical flame cover to avoid prolonged and repeated exposure and when exposed to a quantity of it should be extended in large quantities of water.
In the case of excessive inhalation of the substance should be transferred to a ventilated environment under medical protection.
Lactic acid does not produce any explosions or dangerous fires but it is driven by fumes and flame.
The lipid hormone is responsible for increasing growth Hair in special places of the body, such as hair of the chin and chest and pubic hair, and also stimulates the growth of the throat, and then the volume of sound also affects the hormone central nervous system Central Central System (CNS) and causes Aggressive behavior and increase sexual desire.
The hormone lipid testicular effects on the metabolic side, the most important increase in the amount of manufactured proteins of the body, causing an increase in muscle growth and strength also increases the density and strength of bones.
The secretion of adipose hormone produced from the cells of your hands in the testis is regulated by LH and FSH.
It was found that the reduction of the hormone causes low bone density and decreased muscle mass while its height is a risk of cancer Prostate.
Lactic acid, lactic acid, lactic acid or an important chemical compound in many biochemical processes, is chemically classified as a carboxylic acid with the formula C2H4OHCOOH.
Lactic acid mainly produces muscle, skin and red blood cells, especially in the absence of oxygen. Its measurement allows identification of tissue oxidation status and the balance of ions (positive charge (+) or negative (-)).
It is also produced by the bacteria that are grown in the milk because of the acid taste. Besides milk, milk is found in different foods, as well as in a number of fruits, alcohol and muscle.
These are some bacteria that use the sugar lactose (Bacillus acidilacti) and Lactobacillus delbueciii L. bulgaricuswhey, where lactic acid is produced from fermentation by bacteric acid bacteria in the absence of oxygen.
Lactic acid is produced in the body in previously expected quantities as a final product of the anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, which causes pain when it is concentrated and can be considered nontoxic in the concentrations in which it is used as a toxin.
For example, a 1% pain-free solution is applied to the skin.
The precautions used in dealing with the material vary according to the concentration and surrounding conditions. It can cause skin and eye irritation, and it also causes pain when swallowing, inhaling or absorbing it through the skin, and it is needed when using eye protectors and rubber gloves.
It is recommended to treat it in a chemical flame cover to avoid prolonged and repeated exposure and when exposed to a quantity of it should be extended in large quantities of water.
In the case of excessive inhalation of the substance should be transferred to a ventilated environment under medical protection.
Lactic acid does not produce any explosions or dangerous fires but it is driven by fumes and flame.