Coconut oil benefits for health and moisturizing the body

Coconut oil benefits for health and moisturizing the body

Coconut oil has become a 'must have' among lovers of food and natural health, something that catches our attention given the large amount of saturated fat it contains. "It is true, coconut oil is one of the few vegetable-based oils with almost 90% saturated fatty acids in its composition," says Samantha Penfold, creator of the Organic Market & Food concept, in Marbella and Madrid. "However, it's not about the harmful saturated fats found in cheese or meat, the ones in coconut contain medium-chain triglycerides, which are highly beneficial to health," she explains.

An opinion supported by Izanami Martínez, anthropologist and founder of The Notox Life, who stresses that not all saturated fats are bad and even states that "triglycerides in coconut fat are very beneficial for the heart, fat burning and brain, lower cholesterol and improve lipid level. "

Benefits for your health and your body:

  • If you run away from coconut oil thinking it is too fattening, do not deprive yourself of this food. As Martínez says, "this type of fat passes directly from the intestine to the liver, promoting ketosis (fat burning), increasing metabolism and increasing the feeling of satiety." "The ketone bodies it produces are also the brain's preferred fuel and prevent neurodegenerative diseases," he adds.
  • "Coconut oil is considered a super food for its great medicinal properties," says Penfold: "it can kill fungi, infections and bacteria in our bodies, promote the reduction of abdominal fat and can help Alzheimer's patients due to its effect beneficial on brain function. "
  • The founder of The Notox Life highlights the antibiotic and antifungal power of coconut oil as "it has one of the highest concentrations of lauric acid (50%), responsible for the protective power of breast milk."

Coconut oil for skin and hair:

  • But coconut oil can not only be taken, it is also a natural cosmetic wonder that hydrates and protects the skin and hair, as the founder of Organic Market & Food points out. "The vitamin E it contains is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging of the skin, and its proteins repair tissues and contribute to cellular health," explains Martínez.
  • In fact, the expert from The Notox Life recommends using it as a night cream, since it "repairs the skin and gives it a spectacular luminosity". "It can be used like any other type of facial or body oil or cream," says Penfold.
  • "And due to its antibiotic properties, it is a good remedy to prevent acne and infections and skin problems," adds Martínez. Psst. It is also very effective as a lip balm and a very practical makeup remover.

Penfold highlights other cosmetic benefits of this product:

  •  "the medium-chain fatty acids it contains help restore the skin's neutral Ph, remove oil and excess sebum, and leave the skin hydrated and beautiful." "In addition, it can be used as a natural sunscreen, since it blocks 20% of UVA rays," she points out.
  • As for hair, as Penfold explains, "it has a repairing and revitalizing effect, since it protects and nourishes it in depth." "It can be used to treat dryness of the scalp or hair." As the owner of Organic Market & Food recommends, "apply it and leave it on overnight; you can even use a drop spread on the palms of your hands after washing to avoid frizz."
  • "50% of the extra virgin coconut oil is lauric acid, which in addition to being a powerful antibiotic, has a very low molecular weight, which makes it very similar to hair protein and penetrates very easily," explains Martínez. "Used as a mask before washing, it penetrates deep into the hair fiber, regenerating it and creating a natural barrier that maintains hydration and prevents damage caused by external aggressions. It also prevents the progressive loss of hair protein due to aging." For best effect, this expert also recommends leaving it on overnight.
  • "A massage to the scalp nourishes the hair root promoting its growth and prevents and relieves dandruff. The ideal is to start with small amounts and observe how the hair and scalp respond," concludes the creator of The Notox Life.

Coconut oil: how is it used and taken?

As Izanami Martínez explains, coconut oil can be used both raw in smoothies, as in coffee or for cooking. "Its smoking and oxidation point is much higher than that of any other polyunsaturated oil (corn, soybeans, seeds or sunflower), so it better maintains its properties when cooking," she points out. "It works great in baking, as a substitute for olive oil to cook oriental dishes and even to make popcorn at home," she adds.

Which one should we buy?

 As Penfold explains, "within coconut oils we differentiate between extra virgin, refined and pure virgin (raw and unrefined)." "The refining is bleached and deodorized and is obtained by chemical refining while the other varieties come from fresh coconut meat. The ideal would be to know the manufacturing process and if the oil has been made from fresh coconut and not copra, it's not real coconut. "

As this expert underlines, the most suitable is extra virgin organic coconut oil. "Make sure that it does not contain artificial ingredients that are harmful to the skin or the body, such as dye or perfumes. Psst. You can find it in herbalists, natural products stores or at the Organic Market & Food eco-market.

Izanami also stresses the importance that the coconut oil we use is virgin for cosmetic and raw use. "For cooking we can use refined coconut oil, it is cheaper and the refining process reduces the antioxidant capacity of coconut oil but maintains its fatty acids and makes it more stable to heat. But if the refining process is artisanal rather than industrial ", Add.

The coconut oil that we should always avoid, according to the expert from The Notox Life, is hydrogenated, "the one used in industrial pastries and ultra-processed products and, like all trans fats, harmful to health."

To ensure that our passion for coconut oil does not have a negative impact on the ecosystems and societies where it is produced, this expert also recommends always looking for oils produced in an ethical and sustainable way.

Is coconut oil good for skin whitening?

Coconut oil is a great product for skin lightening and skin whitening. It is rich in vitamin E, which helps in lightening skin tone. It helps even out the uneven skin tone giving you a white skin look. It reduces pigmentation, dark spots, and tan and brightens the skin .

How long does coconut oil take to lighten skin?

When talking about skin whitening, coconut oil can do wonders for improving overall skin tone and making your skin look lighter. Keep in mind that similar to many natural oils, the effect of using coconut oil is not immediate. The process will take some time, at least, one month, so you need to get patient.

What oil is best for skin whitening?

Grapeseed oil: Grapeseed oil is probably the most natural and safest way to lighten and whiten skin tone. Grapeseed oil is rich in linoleic acid and it can remove blemishes, sun tan, and hyperpigmentation.

Does coconut oil darken skin?

Coconut oil can lighten the skin because it helps remove dark spots and results in glowing and hydrated skin.

What happens if we apply coconut oil on face daily?

If you leave coconut oil on your face all night long, there is a good chance you might wake up to blackheads or whiteheads due to sebum and impurities getting trapped in your pores. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, coconut oil may even contribute to breakouts.

What does 100% coconut oil do to your face?

However, coconut oil may be linked to some potential benefits for skin, including reducing inflammation, keeping skin moisturized and helping heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.

What can I use to brighten my skin fast?

8 Skin Whitening Home Remedies That Will Help You Flaunt Clear, Glowing Skin

  1. Lemon juice + Honey + Milk.
  2. Potato juice.
  3. Papaya + Honey.
  4. Yoghurt.
  5. Rice flour + Milk.
  6. Cumin (jeera) seeds.
  7. Sandalwood (chandan) powder.
  8. Carrot + Avocado.

How can I lighten my skin naturally?

How to Make Your Skin Lighter

  1. Use Preventative Sun Care. ...
  2. Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly. ...
  3. Protect Your Skin Barrier From Environmental Pollutants. ...
  4. Use Skin-Lightening Products in Your Skincare Routine. ...
  5. Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods. ...
  6. Give Microdermabrasion a Try. ...
  7. Consider Laser Therapy.

How can I lighten my black skin naturally?

Here are some things you can do to naturally lighten black skin very fast:

  1. Apply sunscreen daily. The sun is a crucial element in our very existence. ...
  2. Keep the skin clean and well-moisturized. ...
  3. Perform regular skin exfoliation. ...
  4. Drink more water and follow a healthy diet.

Can I use coconut oil on my skin every night?

Can I use coconut oil on my face every day/night? Yes, you can use coconut oil on your face every day and night. All you need to wash your face, dry it, and apply a small amount of coconut oil on your face at night and every morning.

Can you leave coconut oil on skin overnight?

Coconut Oil Helps Dry Skin:

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil, which offer it its outstanding properties, also end up making it rich in vitamin E and filled with antioxidant properties, both of which can be quickly digested into the skin. Coconut oil can be put on the skin overnight to cure dry skin.

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