Benefits of the amazing strawberries that are not known to many people

If you want to reduce your weight, fill your refrigerator with fruit. It is low in calories and rich in important vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is considered the most healthy type of fruit that is rich in vitamin A, the most important of which is the strawberry, which is very thin.
Strawberry contains a high proportion of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant vitamins that maintain the health of cells and tissues and integrity of the heart, and helps to heal wounds, each 100 grams of strawberries contains 91.5% water, and about 0.61 grams of protein and 0.37 grams of fat , As well as 30 calories only, so it is good food for the regimens, but it is not recommended to follow a diet or diet based on one type of foods such as apple or strawberry diet, because there simply is not one food contains all the nutrients needed by the human body, but not This diet is good for people who are obese The excessive duration of a condition not more than a week with taking the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body.
The red color of the strawberry protects the heart like the red-colored tomatoes from the lycopene. Strawberry juice is useful for women to relieve menstrual pain. Folic acid in strawberries helps to divide the cells. It also maintains the normal growth of the fetus during pregnancy. Iron in strawberries is a component of hemoglobin in the blood that carries oxygen to help release energy. There are important minerals in strawberries such as zinc necessary for health of skin and hair, immunity and fertility, and magnesium necessary for the transmission of nerve signals.
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