fibroma.. A healthy tumor consists of fibrous connective tissue. Clear block The slow growth border is smooth or smooth with a smooth surface and natural color

- A healthy tumor, composed of fibrous connective tissue.
- It is believed that the real fibroid tumor is a rare tumor inside the mouth, and that most of these cases is a growth due to hyperplasia and not growth and hyperplastic not Neoplasia.
* Peripheral: which exists outside the bones of the jaws, which is either:
- Hyper-industrial (hard or hard).
And throw (soft or rough).
* Centrally: which exists within the jaws, which is either:
(Fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia).
- Non-Sunni (soft, bulky, or sintered).
- Clear boundary block, slow growth, smooth or slow, smooth surface, natural color. It is painless, and the average age of infection is 30 50 years.
 - The most common places of infection are: gums, tongue, cheek, lip and palate.
* When it is present on the gums called fibroblast; each block present on the gums is called a ray *
- Collagen bundles of collagen fibers, in which fibroblasts, fibroblasts, and small blood vessels are spread.
- Some cells may sometimes be seen as a mutation, and sometimes focal or diffuse calcification can be found.
- If the tumor is exposed to chronic disease, we may see superficial ulcers, vascular expansion, and edema with chronic inflammatory spleen.
- The tumor covers a normal applied epidermal skin (the epidermis in this tumor is ineffective, ie non-tumorous, while the connective tissue is effective = tumor).
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