a medication order should never be implemented if:
- A. the nurse doesn’t know the physician .
- B. the nurse doesn’t know the patient’s history.
- C. the nurse Questions any part of the order
- D. the nurse did not know witness the writing of the order.
Out of the listed options, only one definitively warrants never implementing a medication order: C. The nurse questions any part of the order.
Here's why the other options are not absolute reasons to never implement a medication order:
A. The nurse doesn't know the physician:
While it's ideal for nurses to be familiar with the physicians they work with, not knowing a specific physician doesn't necessarily mean the order is wrong. Nurses can follow established protocols to verify the order's validity, such as checking with the prescribing physician's colleagues or pharmacy department.
B. The nurse doesn't know the patient's history:
Similar to the previous point, not knowing the patient's complete history doesn't automatically invalidate the order. Nurses can access the patient's medical records and consult with other healthcare professionals involved in the patient's care to clarify any concerns.
D. The nurse did not witness the writing of the order:
Witnessing the order being written firsthand is certainly preferable, but it's not always possible. Electronic medication systems and verbal orders through authorized personnel are common practices in healthcare settings. Nurses can follow established procedures to verify the authenticity of such orders, such as checking electronic signatures or confirming with the pharmacy department.
Potential Error:
However, when a nurse questions any part of the order, it's a red flag that could indicate a potential error or harm to the patient. This could involve:
- Dosage discrepancies:
The prescribed dosage might be incorrect based on the patient's age, weight, or medical condition.
- Drug interactions:
The medication might interact with other medications the patient is taking, leading to adverse effects.
- Allergic reactions:
The patient might have a known allergy to the medication.
- Route of administration:
The prescribed route might be inappropriate for the medication or the patient's condition.
In such situations, never implement the order without seeking clarification. Nurses have a responsibility to advocate for their patients' safety and should always double-check with the prescribing physician or pharmacist if they have any doubts about an order.
Remember, patient safety is paramount in healthcare. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and seek clarification before administering any medication.
Nursing questions