Compensation.. Individual's sense that there is a shortage in the aspect of the manifestations's And strengthened growth is another side to overcome this deficiency


Defensive ploy, resorted to the individual at the emotional level sometimes, and sometimes at the subconscious level again ... And begins when the individual feels that there is a shortage in the aspect of the manifestations of growth, And strengthened on the other side to overcome this deficiency ... Or may appear when the individual feels deprived of a certain type of saturation, Vivrt in another type of gratification in order to compensate for the pain of deprivation is saturated and feel pleasure available ...
But sometimes you may not realize the individual that he was suffering from a lack of what, while the shortage suffers from his presence (in the subconscious), Calverd who does not realize not to social recognition to him, who shall make an effort of a different kind of sport, in order to compensate for this shortfall subconscious.

We find the simplest types of compensation in Ms. deprived of beauty, Venksabha lightness of spirit and say, as they say in the popular saying: "Hey, share Be Ngchh", ie Connie light shade and movement .... As well as the individual who was a member of the body, who shall strengthen activities has another member of his body, Kgma argument: "All of a handicap Jabbar."
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