Data collection tools .. Note types. Participation. Without sharing. the interview. The resolution. Observation is the precise, structured, watch-based, recorded, tuned, organized, and categorized process

After defining the subject of the study, the objectives, the concepts, the study methodology and the research sample, the next practical step is to identify the tools used in data collection. There are several data collection tools:
A) Note:
We refer to the precise, structured, observation-based observation, recording, control, organization and classification of matters.
Advantages of Note:
1. Note the social and economic conditions of the phenomenon.
2 - Note the behavior and relationships and interactions of individuals to learn about their ways of life and problems.
Note types:
A) Participatory observation: It means the researcher's involvement in the lives of people who observe them.
B) Note without participation: the researcher to observe the activity of the group on its nature.
B) Interview:
It means that the interviewer interview the interviewees, through the interview questions are asked to the researcher to obtain the data to achieve the objectives of the study.
C) Questionnaire:
A set of written questions that are directly available to the interviewees means that they will receive the required data and information.
Advantages of the questionnaire:
1- It is useful if the members of the research are scattered in places where there is difficulty in reaching them
2. Low costs and efforts
3 - give the freedom to answer if the type of questions related to special matters.
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