Steps of social research .. Determining the subject of the study. Definition of concepts and terminology. Scientific Heritage. Formulation of hypotheses. Identify the appropriate approach. Data collection and information. Analysis. Write the final research report

1- Determining the subject of the study:
Determining the subject of the study accurately the most important steps of the scientific study of social phenomena is to determine the variables to be addressed in the study and analysis and is often determined by two variables:
A) Independent variable: It is the result or effect of the dependent variable.
B) dependent variable: the result or effects of the independent variable.
2 - identify the concepts and terms of study:
Clarifying the concepts and terms of study is one of the most useful and important steps in understanding what the researcher aims at in order to avoid confusion in understanding the meaning.
3. Scientific Heritage:
The study of any social phenomenon must be based on the review of the scientific heritage of the phenomenon, the researcher should start where the others ended where it is necessary to stand on the theories and studies of this phenomenon, which deals with analysis.
4. Formulation of the hypotheses of the study:
It is meant by the generalizations of how the influence of the variables of study and the relationship between each other and these assumptions arise through the study and previous knowledge.
5. Determine the appropriate study methodology:
The nature of the research topic determines the appropriate approach.
6. Determine the study community and choose the sample:
Researchers in social studies identify the study population when the unit of study is very large and the sample is selected in different ways.
7. Data and information collection:
After defining the subject of the study, the objectives, the concepts, the study methodology and the research sample, the next practical step is to identify the tools used in the data collection.
8. Data Analysis:
The analysis phase of the collected data is the final objective of the researcher. In this step, the quantitative and qualitative data are analyzed and converted into meanings and meanings.
9. Writing the final research report:
After analyzing the data collected the researcher comes to the final step to study the writing of the final report of the research and includes the characteristics of the respondents and answer the questions and hypotheses put forward at the beginning of his research.
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