Physiology of the digestive system.. esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. Liver. Pancreas. Colon

Each part of the digestive system can be compared to:
- Esophagus: Barbish.
When the food reaches the stomach, the heart closes and the laurel begins to mix. The stomach begins to mix to increase the contact surface with the enzymes. When the mixing ends, the doorman opens and the movements begin to empty the food. The water is emptied first (the least silky), then the more silky. The fat is emptied, as the speed of passage in the doorman is inversely proportional to the amount of calories.
- The intestines: a suction pump
- Liver: laboratory and waste.
- pancreas: digestive gland.
  Colon: An additional kidney absorbs what a lack of absorption.
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