Causes of incontinence (urination).. Inflammation of the kidney or ureter or bladder or the presence of stones. Parasites such as axiores, anxlostoma and schistosomiasis

Here are the main causes of incontinence:
1. Membership reasons:
A) Infections of the kidney, ureter or bladder, or the presence of stones in it.
B - rectal infections.
C - diabetes.
(D) Parasites such as axiores, anxlostoma and schistosomiasis.
E - Enlargement of tonsils and nasopharynx leads to difficulty breathing, increases the proportion of carbon dioxide in the blood, so sleep is very deep, the child does not feel the need to do urination.
And - lack of healing of the lower part of the spine during the formation of the fetus, and these rare cases not more than (1%).
2 - psychological reasons:
A child's attempt to attract parents' attention to him, especially when a new guest arrives.
B - The child's attempt to provoke his father and mother, who tend to control and control his actions, find a thrill of unconscious when he is playing this entertaining game that bothers this kind of parents.
C - After healing the child from illness, was the focus of attention of his family, when the child feels the disappearance of the attention after recovery sought to regain it by various means, including involuntary urination.
D - the loss of the sense of security, the life of the child becomes anxious and appear with urination cases of disrespect and cowardice and lack of self-confidence and the tendency to sabotage and tantrums.
E - dependence on the mother and his need to come to it, makes urination an unconscious trick, helping the child to achieve the return of his mother's keen interest in all his requests.
3. Causes and causes of assistance:
(A) Insufficient opportunity for exercise to urinate.
B - The presence of water cycle outside the home or in the bottom role, is not encouraged to move to the child on cold winter nights, usually start with urination and when the habit began to habit managed.
Deep sleep: It is observed that some children who sleep soundly sleep during their sleep, but this is a key factor in rare cases.
D - Inheritance: It was found that in about (80%) of cases of involuntary urination one of the parents suffers from mental disorder, but this does not indicate at all that the bedwetting is inherited, but the practice spread in some families.
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