Urinary incontinence (urination) is the cases of urination at night, and the inability to control it, and spread especially in the young .. The cases are normal in children under the age of three, and after this age, medical presupposes a satisfactory condition causing this offer.
The control of the urinary system varies from one child to another. Some may be able to adjust at the end of the first year of life. Some may reach the end of the third year, but most children control urination early or mid-third, but a significant proportion Of children can not control the process of urination, especially at night until the age of seven or eight, and sometimes up to the age of fifteen and older .. These are rare cases.
In fact, involuntary urination is a psychological problem involving two extremes:
* First party: the people of keen attention to their child, and translate this interest to rebuke and bashing.
* The second party: a child who gets this reprimand stubbornly or loses his self-confidence, will continue in this habit, and a vicious circle is created not only interrupted by the calmness of the parents and see them.
The control of the urinary system varies from one child to another. Some may be able to adjust at the end of the first year of life. Some may reach the end of the third year, but most children control urination early or mid-third, but a significant proportion Of children can not control the process of urination, especially at night until the age of seven or eight, and sometimes up to the age of fifteen and older .. These are rare cases.
In fact, involuntary urination is a psychological problem involving two extremes:
* First party: the people of keen attention to their child, and translate this interest to rebuke and bashing.
* The second party: a child who gets this reprimand stubbornly or loses his self-confidence, will continue in this habit, and a vicious circle is created not only interrupted by the calmness of the parents and see them.