- The intestines, colon and kidneys are essential organs in the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.
A-Na +:
- Sodium is the primary residual responsible for the mobility of water and electrolytes in the small intestine (ie, the absorption of sodium has a role in the absorption of water), where its influence from the top down, and increases active transport from top to bottom (ie, the absorption of sodium at the end of the ileum through active transport ).
B - Chloride Cl- and Potassium Chloride K +:
- Potassium and chlorine are absorbed in the fasting.
H) water absorption + non-oxidant decomposed molecules (glucose and amino acids) ↔ water and electrolytes.
If the colon has 6 liquids, its source is as follows:
- Please.
- 1 for saliva.
- 2 for gastric detachments.
2 for liver and pancreas secretions. These liquids are re-absorbed in the intestine decreasing from top to bottom.
Ie 5 liters (diphtheria> fasting)> ileus (1 liter) colon.
Note: The colon has the capacity to absorb 5 l when there is a lack of intestinal absorption.
- Fractional loss: very small 0.1 l.
Important Note: All substances (sugars, fat, proteins) as a general rule are absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine (dizziness and onset of fasting) except for bile salts and vitamin B12, which are absorbed at the end of the ileum.
In the event of the removal of the fasting person, the dakak will modify itself and reorganize its vesicles so that it can perform the function of the absorbent fasting, but the reverse is not true, ie, if the end of the dementia occurs (such as Crohn's disease, cancer, tuberculosis and lymphoma). .) In this case, the absorption of bile salts and Vit B12 will decrease, resulting in different disorders.
A-Na +:
- Sodium is the primary residual responsible for the mobility of water and electrolytes in the small intestine (ie, the absorption of sodium has a role in the absorption of water), where its influence from the top down, and increases active transport from top to bottom (ie, the absorption of sodium at the end of the ileum through active transport ).
B - Chloride Cl- and Potassium Chloride K +:
- Potassium and chlorine are absorbed in the fasting.
H) water absorption + non-oxidant decomposed molecules (glucose and amino acids) ↔ water and electrolytes.
If the colon has 6 liquids, its source is as follows:
- Please.
- 1 for saliva.
- 2 for gastric detachments.
2 for liver and pancreas secretions. These liquids are re-absorbed in the intestine decreasing from top to bottom.
Ie 5 liters (diphtheria> fasting)> ileus (1 liter) colon.
Note: The colon has the capacity to absorb 5 l when there is a lack of intestinal absorption.
- Fractional loss: very small 0.1 l.
Important Note: All substances (sugars, fat, proteins) as a general rule are absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine (dizziness and onset of fasting) except for bile salts and vitamin B12, which are absorbed at the end of the ileum.
In the event of the removal of the fasting person, the dakak will modify itself and reorganize its vesicles so that it can perform the function of the absorbent fasting, but the reverse is not true, ie, if the end of the dementia occurs (such as Crohn's disease, cancer, tuberculosis and lymphoma). .) In this case, the absorption of bile salts and Vit B12 will decrease, resulting in different disorders.
Digestive endothelium