Causes of mental disorders. Disorder of child - parent relations. Long emotional conflict. Traumatic sexual experiences or forbidden love and feelings of sin

Causes of mental disorders:
1. Organic diseases in childhood that increase the risk of exposure of certain organs of the body to the disease, and the concern of the individual to his health.
2 - Disruption of relations between the child and parents in the process of food and training on output, and lack of security and loss of love and fear of separation and deprivation and the need to accept, and poverty and emotional turmoil in the home and the rule of air aggression and bickering and jealousy,
3. Long-term emotional conflict such as the conflict between dependence on independence and independence. And emotional suppression (especially suppression of anger associated with the lack of capacity and strength) and pent-up aggression and storage of hatred and anger and a long sense of injustice, and the intense emotional pressure and continuous psychological tension, and long-term chronic and the introduction of tension and internal transformation and control of a weak member, disrupts its normal functional capacity. Fear and insecurity. And the accumulated frustrations in the family and work, and the ongoing concern, especially when there is a barrier without language or psychological or dynamic expression of it. Deep sadness over Aziz's death, divorce or failure, and unrealistic or unrealistic aspirations. Social and environmental pressures and disruption of social relations.
4 - traumatic experiences, or forbidden love, feelings of sin, and permanent dissatisfaction.
5. Exposure to violent violent situations.
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