- The method of stopping pregnancy with drugs or chemical way is to take two drugs through which to stop pregnancy and ejection of the egg through a medical protocol agreed by the health services of each country.
(In France, for example, 600 mg of Mifepristone followed 36 to 48 hours after 400 mg of Misoprostol).
The combination of these drugs leads to abortion and pregnancy termination.
- The use of these drugs sometimes have effects and peripheral aspects require that the medicine be given by the specialist and continuous medical monitoring until the end of the abortion and fully.
- This method is used at home is the most common in the United States of America.
- In the absence of a positive result by medication, the option to resort to surgery only in the case where the woman refuses to stop the pregnancy drugs use surgery and decided to continue pregnancy, this pregnancy may know risks at the level of fetal formation.
- In France, for example, resorting to the method of stopping pregnancy with drugs requires visiting the doctor at least 5 times from the beginning of the process to the end.
(In France, for example, 600 mg of Mifepristone followed 36 to 48 hours after 400 mg of Misoprostol).
The combination of these drugs leads to abortion and pregnancy termination.
- The use of these drugs sometimes have effects and peripheral aspects require that the medicine be given by the specialist and continuous medical monitoring until the end of the abortion and fully.
- This method is used at home is the most common in the United States of America.
- In the absence of a positive result by medication, the option to resort to surgery only in the case where the woman refuses to stop the pregnancy drugs use surgery and decided to continue pregnancy, this pregnancy may know risks at the level of fetal formation.
- In France, for example, resorting to the method of stopping pregnancy with drugs requires visiting the doctor at least 5 times from the beginning of the process to the end.