Medical work at the stage of treatment .. The means chosen by the doctor, which leads to recovery from the disease or reduce the risks or mitigate the pain resulting from it

After the diagnosis is completed, the doctor will go to the stage of treatment and determine what suits the patient's methods and methods of treatment. The right of the patient to treatment is a fundamental matter, and one of the fundamental rights of man, such as his right to life and the integrity of his body. Therefore, the treatment stage is considered the crucial and essential stage for the patient after the appropriate diagnosis.
Treatment is defined as the method chosen by the doctor, which leads to the recovery of the disease or reduce the risks or reduce the pain resulting from it, either by sedation or elimination. As defined by the French judiciary that any action whatsoever leads to the recovery of the disease or alleviate the disease. Some researchers also defined it as "a procedure issued by a licensed physician following the diagnosis, including work to eliminate or reduce the disease."
The French law did not provide a specific definition of treatment, and only use the term in the folds of its legislation, the same doctrine of Algerian medical law. Talking about treatment requires two stages of treatment in itself: description of treatment, and then direct.
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