1 - easy to give medicine - since the administration of oral sulfonyl urea drugs is undoubtedly easier and less expensive than giving insulin by injection.
2 - giving oral sulfonyl urea drugs alert insulin secretion of beta cells in the pancreas and so it is similar to scientific physiological in that the insulin released from the pancreas by these drugs first reach the liver and affects the exit of glucose from the liver.
Conversely, insulin given by injection will result in the accumulation of insulin in the peripheral tissues before reaching the liver.
3. Sulfonyl urea drugs are less likely to cause insulin sensitivity than insulin given by injection, especially from animal sources or persons with anti-insulin agents.
2 - giving oral sulfonyl urea drugs alert insulin secretion of beta cells in the pancreas and so it is similar to scientific physiological in that the insulin released from the pancreas by these drugs first reach the liver and affects the exit of glucose from the liver.
Conversely, insulin given by injection will result in the accumulation of insulin in the peripheral tissues before reaching the liver.
3. Sulfonyl urea drugs are less likely to cause insulin sensitivity than insulin given by injection, especially from animal sources or persons with anti-insulin agents.