These drugs were discovered by accident after it was observed that sulfa anti-bacterial drugs, which were used to treat typhoid disease, caused a decrease in blood sugar in patients.
Many sulfonylurea drugs were then constructed by altering the chemical form of sulfa and are still used today. The first two drugs were used to treat type 2 diuretics, thulbiotamide and chloropropamide.
All sulfonyl urea compounds, either first or second generation, share the same basic chemical structure as sulfa, so patients who may be allergic to sulfa will have the same degree of sensitivity to sulfonylurea.
Many sulfonylurea drugs were then constructed by altering the chemical form of sulfa and are still used today. The first two drugs were used to treat type 2 diuretics, thulbiotamide and chloropropamide.
All sulfonyl urea compounds, either first or second generation, share the same basic chemical structure as sulfa, so patients who may be allergic to sulfa will have the same degree of sensitivity to sulfonylurea.