Which of the following conclusions of Ms. Castro about leadership characteristics is TRUE?
a- There is a high correlation between the communication skills of a leader and the ability to get the job done.
b- A manager is effective when he has the ability to plan well.
c- Assessment of personal traits is a reliable tool for predicting a manager’s potential.
d- There is good eviden
Answer: (C) Assessment of personal traits is a reliable tool for predicting a manager’s potential.
It is not conclusive that certain qualities of a person would make him become a good manager. It can only predict a manager’s potential of becoming a good one.
ce that certain personal qualities favor success in managerial role.
a- There is a high correlation between the communication skills of a leader and the ability to get the job done.
b- A manager is effective when he has the ability to plan well.
c- Assessment of personal traits is a reliable tool for predicting a manager’s potential.
d- There is good eviden
Answer: (C) Assessment of personal traits is a reliable tool for predicting a manager’s potential.
It is not conclusive that certain qualities of a person would make him become a good manager. It can only predict a manager’s potential of becoming a good one.
ce that certain personal qualities favor success in managerial role.
The personality of an individual can be evaluated by various methods such as clinical observation and systematic observation in situation, but the most common is to use questionnaires or inventories of the personality.
These inventories ask the individual either to describe himself using adjectives or to describe his usual behaviors.
There are a large number, often made up of more than a hundred questions, making it possible to obtain a differentiated and faithful description of the individual.
If the inventories used in the field of research in personality psychology are scientifically validated, it is generally not the same for questionnaires that can be found in certain magazines or websites.
For a personality inventory to be used in the context of a psychological practice or for research, it is necessary both that this questionnaire is valid and that standards are available, that is to say that the We know the distribution of the population on the dimensions measured by the instrument in question, so as to be able to locate the individual evaluated in relation to the general population.
The inventories validated scientifically available in French and frequently used are for example the Neo Personality Inventory Revised (Neo Pi-R) or the inventory of personality at work (PFPI). These tests are generally disseminated by publishers and only intended for professionals.
Projective methods have been used for many years in clinical psychology.
It is a question of offering ambiguous or not explicit equipment to an individual and to ask him to make sense of it.
For example, the Thematic Note Test (TAT) asks individuals to develop a story based on a photo whose scene is ambiguous, like that of a boy looking at a violin with sadness or passion.
The Rorschach test requires interpreting a series of symmetrical ink spots.
These stories or interpretations are then evaluated by the psychologist using an intuitive clinical method or a systematic method.
These projective tests are appreciated by clinical psychologists because they allow you to obtain rich data on the way in which individuals understand and structure what they perceive.
With the exception of the Rorschach test, which uses a systematic method, the predictive, differential and diagnostic validity of these instruments seems modest.
Finally, there are different structured interviews to assess normal personality, pathological personality or personality disorders.
Most interviews evaluating personality disorders generally review the different diagnostic criteria and assess the presence or absence, as well as the discomfort induced by the possible presence of the criterion or symptom.
These interviews often enjoy good clinical and scientific validity.
There are various inventories evaluating the temperament or personality of young children, who generally ask parents to describe the usual behavior of their child.
For children aged six and over, we can cite for example the hierarchical inventory of the child's personality (Hipic).
A large number of tests also ask children to position themselves in relation to situations presented to them in the form of an image and text, such as the Rosenzweig test.
A situation of this test has a pedestrian splashed by a vehicle; The child is then asked to describe his reaction.
The Patte-Noire test, on the other hand, is a projective test like the state, but with scenes whose hero is a small pig or a sheep.
Projective tests are appreciated in children, because they have difficulty describing themselves.
It is often considered that the child is not able to describe himself in a precise and reliable manner only from ten to thirteen.
Different questionnaires were therefore developed for pre -adolescents and adolescents, such as the personality test for adolescent brief Big Five (BB5).
The personality has given rise to many scientific models in the field of psychology.
Because of the multiple personality conceptions, its evaluation is also plural and is the subject of intense scientific debates.
This chapter is more specifically centered on the contributions of personality traits and projective techniques in the evaluation of the personality, particularly in the field of orientation throughout life.
Self-evaluated measures remain mainly used in the evaluation of the personality. However, other methods, including hetero-evaluated, projective, implicit and behavioral measures, develop and provide complementarity.
Each method has advantages and disadvantages with regard to the characteristics of the public and the context in which the evaluation takes place.
A critical analysis of these different methods is proposed.
The evaluation of the personality can have four major implications in the field of orientation throughout life: provide an indicator of the mode of operation of the individual, predict certain behaviors related to the skills to be oriented, Professional integration as well as professional success, assimilate elements of information on the individual from an adequacy perspective and integrate as critical elements in order to propose an intervention adapted to the personal characteristics of the individual ...
Bioethics - Leadership