One staff suggests that they review the pattern of nursing care that they are using, which is described as a:
a- job description
b- system used to deliver care
c- manual of procedure
d- rules to be followed
Answer: (B) system used to deliver care
A system used to deliver care. In the 70’s it was termed as methods of patient assignment; in the early 80’s it was called modalities of patient care then patterns of nursing care in the 90’s until recently authors called it nursing care systems.
a- job description
b- system used to deliver care
c- manual of procedure
d- rules to be followed
Answer: (B) system used to deliver care
A system used to deliver care. In the 70’s it was termed as methods of patient assignment; in the early 80’s it was called modalities of patient care then patterns of nursing care in the 90’s until recently authors called it nursing care systems.
Nursing is defined in the broad sense as "attention, an application towards someone or something". The word care then takes on the meaning of "means by which one strives to return health to a patient".
As defined by the International Council of Nurses, nursing care represents the care provided, independently or in collaboration, to individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities-sick or well-porters-whatever the frame.
They focus on promoting health, prevention of disease, as well as care given to sick, disabled and dying. They also include defense, promotion of a healthy environment, research, participation in the development of health policy and the management of health systems and patients, as well as health education.
Nursing is traditionally provided by nurses.
Institutional definitions:
By the World Health Organization:
"The mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families and groups to determine and achieve their full physical, mental and social potential and to achieve it in the context of the environment in which they live and work , all this while respecting a very strict code of ethics. This requires that nurses learn and perform functions relating to the maintenance and health promotion as well as to the prevention of the disease.
Nursing also includes planning and implementation of curative care and rehabilitation, and concern the physical, mental and social aspects of life in that they affect health, disease, disability and death. The nurses allow the active participation of the individual, his family and his friends, the social group and the community, appropriately in all aspects of health care, and thus encourage independence and self -determination. The nurses also work as a partner of the members of the other professions involved in the provision of health services. »»
By nursing pioneers:
From the first theoretical foundations established by Florence Nightingale in 1859, with the definitions developed by leaders in contemporary nursing, nursing care defined themselves as a full -fledged practice, a science but also a moral art.
Florence Nightingale specifies in her reference work that nursing care must make sure to "put the patient in the best possible conditions, to promote the action of nature".
In 1933, Effie J. Taylor proposed the following definition of the nature of nursing care: "the adaptation of prescribed therapy and preventive treatment to the specific physical and psychic needs" and completed this definition by providing the nuance that " The deep sense of nursing care can only be known through the ideals, love, compassion, knowledge and culture expressed by the practice of methods and relationships specific to the art of treating. »»
In 1960, Virginia Henderson described nursing care as a response to the primary needs of each individual. Is understood by fundamental need, the vital necessity specific to any healthy or sick human being.
In the 1990s, Jean Watson and Martha Rogers concentrated nursing as a science calling for disciplinary knowledge (knowledge) specific to nurses, but also an art since care also affects aesthetic knowledge as well as ethical: " Art Nurse is in fact the creative use of nursing science which is growing.
By collectives of nurses and nurses:
Nursing represents a set of knowledge, skills and techniques relating to the design and implementation of nursing care acts. They help meet the health needs of a person and/or a community and are the subject of the discipline taught to nursing staff. We generally distinguish nursing care linked to the functions of continuity and maintenance of life (Marie-Françoise Collière) within the framework of the proper role of the nurse, the "care", and the curative or repair care, the " priest ".
Bioethics - Leadership