Is this statement true or false.. Both are true

Is this statement true or false:
a- RCT abutment of FPD has higher risk for fracture.
b- Abutment which has RCT in cantilever FPD have higher susceptibility to fracture.
c- 1st is true,2nd is false.
d- 1st is false,2nd is true.
e- Both are false.
f- Both are true.***

It is well known that chewing is the main function of a tooth. However, dental fracture remains a major complication of endodontically treated teeth. When the normal structure of a tooth is compromised by traumatic lesions, endodontic treatment remains the most viable option for maintaining the tooth. However, endodontically treated teeth (TETs) are more fragile and more prone to fracture than non-TETs. It has been claimed that the inherent problems are mainly due to the drying of ETT over time and changes in their collagen crosslinking. The main causes of failure under ETT are loss of retention of posts and / or crowns, secondary caries and root fractures. Teeth that undergo a root fracture should generally be extracted.
In recent years, an increasing demand for endodontic treatment has been observed and the aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture pattern of TET in adults. The files extracted from the archives of our university between January 2005 and December 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Cases where periapical radiographs, ETT and fractured ETT were satisfactory were included in the study. For each case, the fracture diagnosis was established from the following retrospective records available in the preoperative records notes, periapical radiographs and post-extraction evidence as indicated in the records. The other items recorded were the types of fractures, and whether the tooth was used or not, was the tooth stationed or plated, and whether the abutment was a fixed or removable partial denture. Vertical root fractures (RVF) were defined as subgingival fractures from the root, while cracks in the teeth after root canal treatment were considered supragingival cracks in the crown region. Out of 3,000 cases reviewed, 755 were endodontic cases, 153 of which were disqualified for various reasons, as noted above. Of the 602 qualified cases, 385 were women and 217 were men, while the mailed and plated teeth accounted for 110 and 123 cases, respectively. Only 120 of 602 ETTs suffered from various forms of fracture, resulting in a prevalence of fractures of 19.9% ​​and were more common in women (62%) than in men (38%). Fractures were more common in the mandible (59.7%) than in the maxilla (40.3%). The first molars fractured more often (50%) (P <0 .05="" 18="" 66="" 7="" abutments="" age="" and="" by="" canines.="" common="" cusp="" dental="" fixed="" followed="" fracture="" fractures="" frv="" in="" incisors="" lateral="" more="" most="" not="" occurred="" of="" often="" old.="" p="" prosthesis="" range="" removable="" seen="" study="" subjects="" than="" the="" to="" was="" were="" while="" years="">Fractures were more common in the 41-50 age group (40%), followed by the 31-40 age group (25%) (p <0 .05="" although="" contrast="" difference="" facet="" fractures="" frequently="" in="" more="" not="" occurred="" p="" posterior="" significant="" teeth="" than="" the="" was="">Fractures are more frequent when using sodium hypochlorite as an irrigant (40.3%) than when using normal saline (33.3%) and hydrogen peroxide (26.4%). %, P <0 .05="" access="" amalgam="" cavities="" for="" fractures="" frequent="" in="" more="" p="" restored="" similarly="" teeth="" the="" were="" which="" with="">The current study showed that fractures occurred more often in amalgam-restored teeth.
Perhaps the most important factor could be correlated with the configuration of the access cavity.
Usually, amalgam-adapted access cavities require modifications to accommodate the mechanical retention aids required for amalgam.
This is contrary to cavities filled with resin and glass ionomer, in which the retentions do not depend on mechanical aids.
This results in an inherent structural weakness for amalgam-repaired cavities. However, Dammaschke et al.
concluded that the average fracture rate of teeth restored with glass ionomer was significantly higher than that of composites and amalgam. Also, Pradeep et al.
showed that the tensile strength of ETT reconstituted with amalgam and composite resin did not differ significantly from each other.
These results were considered unexpected results because
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