Measuring blood sugar rates and the values of self-health sugar
In One large study, which included about 3567 patients and patients infected with type II diabetes (type 2), in this study found that the command and control Better blood sugar in patients who are doing the most number of times Self-monitoring of blood sugar.
Note: The process of self-measuring blood sugar using blood sugar measuring devices (Glucometer). With specialized equipment to measure blood sugar .. The method of obtaining a blood sample using fine needles for pens these devices ... Painless way at all ... (The patient should know that because when Tell
Patient that he must work self-analysis to measure blood ... For example four times a day .. It is believed that this process is painful ... In fact, the process of withdrawing blood using Pens Associated with blood sugar measuring devices painless process ... And very helpful to get the best results).
Generally Views measuring blood sugar self-dependent on the type of treatment used, as shown in the following table:
Number of times a blood test | Type of treatment |
Periodically 1 - 2 times daily * 1 - 2 times daily * 2 - 4 times a day 3 - 6 times a day | Diets Food Grains (disks) reduced sugar Insulin injections (once daily) Insulin injections (twice daily) Insulin injections (three or four a day) |
To illustrate what is written in the table:
- In fact, we do not recommend that Leaves the patient uses only diet A treatment for Type II diabetes but also must begin using disks with a healthy diet. But there are some patients do not accept the idea of taking pills because he does not feel any symptoms or that he trusts himself to be able to follow the diet enough to increase blood sugar control, which believes it is simple. In fact, too, there are actually some patients ...And not all ... Unable to control blood sugar only to follow the diet. In this case, patients are advised to measure blood sugar in the morning when he was fasting .. At varying intervals, for example once a week, with the importance of continuing to follow-up and conduct medical detection and other tests on a regular basis.
- For people who eat in the drive (grain) for the treatment of diabetes, the patient is advised that doing the analysis he is fasting blood sugar once a day. Or twice (and one he is fasting and the second before the main meal important), the patient makes these daily tests to be stabilized blood sugar becomes part appropriate Readings ... Then the patient Measuring self blood sugar twice or three times a week ... And according to the decision of the treating physician).
- For people who eat in one injection per day (which are often essential insulin) For the treatment of diabetes (Type II), the patient It is recommended that the work of analyzing a fasting blood sugar once a day. Or twice (and one he is fasting and the second before the main meal important), the patient makes these daily tests to be stabilized blood sugar becomes part appropriate Readings ... Then perhaps the patient Measuring self blood sugar twice or three times a week ... And according to the decision of the treating physician).
- As for the patients taking two injections of insulin per day, the patient needs to do a number ranging from 2 to 4 times a day (remember that the process of self-measuring blood sugar using pens is painful but very useful) ... One is fasting and others before eating.
- As for the patients taking the three to four injections a day of insulin (type I often need to this system), the patient needs to do a number ranging from 4 to 6 times a day (remember that the process of measuring blood sugar self using pens is painful but very useful ) ... One is fasting and others before eating and one before bedtime.
First: Analysis Cumulative Blood sugar should be less than 7%
Second: Sugar Before eating or fasting should be in the range of 90 to 130 Mg / dL.
Third: Sugar Hour after eating or two hours Must be Less than 180 Mg / dL.
Fourth: Sugar before bedtime Must be in the range of 110 - 150 Mg / dL.
In order to be realistic if the patient was able to achieve these rates by 80% of the total Readings this very well. In other words, it is not required from the patient to achieve this Readings 100%.
In the event that the patient can reach these goals, the likelihood of complications of diabetes at least to a great extent and enormous, and this on the basis of the findings of scientific research in this regard. Like my DCC T (DCCT) and the study of the USB Ki DS (UKPDS).
How often should you check blood sugar on metformin?
Home testing is typically not needed for patients taking oral medications, such as Glucophage (metformin), he says. Instead of home testing, doctors typically order a blood test, called a hemoglobin A1C test, every three to six months.
How many times a day should a type 2 diabetes check blood sugar?
Most people with type 2 diabetes only need to check their blood sugar once or twice a day. If your blood sugar level is under control, you may only need to check it a few times a week. You may test yourself when you wake up, before meals, and at bedtime.
When is the best time to check blood sugar type 2 diabetes metformin?
Testing is usually recommended before meals and at bedtime if you're taking multiple daily injections. You may need to test only before breakfast and sometimes before dinner or at bedtime if you use just an intermediate- or a long-acting insulin.
What is type 2 diabetes vs type 1?
Diabetes type 1 and type 2 come from different causes: In diabetes type 1, the pancreas does not make insulin, because the body's immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas that make insulin. In diabetes type 2, the pancreas makes less insulin than used to, and your body becomes resistant to insulin.
What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
The main difference between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is a genetic condition that often shows up early in life, and type 2 is mainly lifestyle-related and develops over time. With type 1 diabetes, your immune system is attacking and destroying the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.
What is measured for type 2 diabetes?
The A1C test measures your average blood sugar level over the past 2 or 3 months. An A1C below 5.7% is normal, between 5.7 and 6.4% indicates you have prediabetes, and 6.5% or higher indicates you have diabetes.
Should you check your blood sugar levels with type 2 diabetes?
Regular blood sugar monitoring is the most important thing you can do to manage type 1 or type 2 diabetes. You'll be able to see what makes your numbers go up or down, such as eating different foods, taking your medicine, or being physically active.
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