Homefood Some foods commonly used and that contain sugars and percentage publisher :NIL NAM -December 18, 2015 Group Food The amount of sugar (Spoon) - Bread and cereals and rice And pasta: Slice of bread No There are - Group Fruit: 1/2 cup fruit preserves Juice No There are 1/2 cup fruit preserves in syrup Diluted 2 1/2 cup fruit preserves in syrup Center 4 - Group Dairy: 1 cup milk without sugar No There are 1 cup milk Balchiokulath (and percentage Alchiokulath 2 %) 3 248 grams of low-fat yogurt And without sugar No There are 248 grams of low-fat yogurt Local sugar 5 248 grams of low-fat yogurt Fruits 7 1/2 cup ice cream or iced milk or Frozen yogurt 3 - Other foods: Tablespoon sugar, jam, jelly 1 Spoon syrup or honey 3 Piece Ciokulath 31 Grams 3 1/2 cup sorbet 5 Carbonated water bottle weighs 31 Grams 9 Labels food Facebook Twitter Share:Some foods commonly used and that contain sugars and percentage Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Tumblr Telegram Email