Diabetes throughout history.. Alleviate suffering and complications through health education, early detection and care of permanent

Diabetes throughout history

This brief overview of the history of diabetes, to link the past with the present and the statement of how much and how can research and diligence put in by doctors throughout the ages (even if it does not They specialize in the same problem) that yield achievements and great good, has remained diabetes centuries of time mysterious killer even has to know his secret and born cent became today a clear and under control .. Still, most diseases troubling and mysterious and complications, and suffering ongoing faced by patients and children in particular are not prescribed for them and their families, and the specialized centers for the treatment of sugar to receive difficult cases and the Juvenile Diabetes, but most of the diabetic patients who follow their treatment in primary health care centers different, so family doctors are

More doctors closer to the size and dimensions of the problem and their role in the prevention, treatment and relieve suffering and complications major role except for their role in health education and early detection and permanent care. Call to facilitate the panacea it to become an event and a story to tell, such as what is the case of the plague and other diseases "... and no disease but with medication .. knowing of his knowledge and his ignorance of ignorance"

Ancient Egyptians record (Ebers Papyrus) observations about diabetes, such as frequent urination.
1550 BC.
Note Therapists Indians ants and flies attracted to Paul diabetic patients.
1500 BC.
Description Apollonius Greek patients who suffer from it by that name (Diabetes) And meaning (flooding like Siphon) any drink huge amounts of water and then bundled with the urine.
250 BC.
Description Greek Artios diabetes melting flesh and added(Mellitus) Which means honey / sugar, and therefore ((Diabetes Mellitus Means diabetes.
And tried many treatments in ancient times, such as herbs, cupping, red wine vinegar, rose oil, laxatives, opium, holding materials .... etc., but most of the patients were dying.
150 BC.
Abu Bakr al-Razi Arab physician describes diabetes
890 meters
Ibn Sina describes diabetes in his book The Canon of Medicine Volume III, page 191 separate in Diagntts (and I think it Tsahava of the word famous Diabits Diabetes ) In his article for the times that he was Paul and kidney disease that Diagntts is: -
(That the water goes and drink in the time is short. Has names in Greek is Diagntts, it might be said he also Diasqos, and Qrames, and called Arabic roller, wheel, and slippery college, and slippery metaphor, and the crossing. And his thirst, this results in the Aaroy but urinating and drink is unableConfinement at all.
The reason Diagntts if college either weak introduce her, and breadth, and openness in the nozzles stream, which may be from the cold Almistol in the body, or the liver. Disease which badly may have led to melting, and to knock because of the many lured Alrtobat of the body, and prevent him what must be bestowed by the grace of humidity by drinking water.
What more heat displays Diagntts of firearms, and therefore more treatable cooling, humidification pulses, fruits and cold Rabob which do not generate such as lettuce, poppy, and sleep in the cold wet air).
1020 m
John Rollo described that the blood of people with diabetes, not just urine sugar plus.
1798 m
Description Claude Bernard (French) glycogen shift from stocks liver into glucose in the blood that his reason.
1813 m
Description Udwinj Trawi German relationship between carbohydrate intake and the presence of sugar in the urine.
1850 AD
Use American Frederick yen system starvation or deprivation of carbohydrates and live patient (500-800) calories of fat and protein, and succeeded for the first time, despite fatigue and deprivation as a prolonged life in some patients.
1860 m
Discover German medical student named Paul Langerhans cells in the pancreas distinct named after islands of Langerhans, but he did not know her.
1869 m
Began to shift in the understanding of diabetes and linking relationship pancreas efforts Germans Oskar Minkowski and Joseph Mehrnj where they remove the pancreas of a dog experiments and noted the symptoms of full sugar and high blood sugar.
1889 m
Scientists proved von Mering and Vicomnescy islets of Langerhans secrete material controls the level of glucose in the blood
  1890 m
Note American Eugene Obi islets of Langerhans in a few diabetics size and wilted.
1901 m
Painstakingly young German George Tsoelestr in Berlin in solution extraction from the pancreas to treat diabetes and received a patent and he called (Akumatrul) and injected into a patient death supervisors Better a little with the force of the quantity of the solution provide me.
1911 m
Succeeded Pantinj in the discovery of insulin.
The Pantinj dreamed since childhood in the treatment of this disease after seeing the suffering of his girlfriend and her death, and although an orthopedic surgeon but he was working in his spare time in the research Alfssologia and inability financial establishment of plant resorted to Prof. Dr. McCloud at the University of Toronto, who at first refused, but when he saw the design given with Mulla and th e dogs experiments and named assistant Charles Best, who is also the aunt because of the sugar.
After a number of tests were able to detect that the cells islets of Langerhans secrete material do not enter the digestive system but intervention blood and carried isolated and injected into the dog trials and succeeded experience but the next day he died dog Varafa it has to be injected on a daily basis and thus starting to travel to massacre cows to buy quantities of Pancreas cows fresh and conduct experiments, and Pantinj forced to sell his car to finance its research and Simia this Abstract Alaalitin (Isletin) .
1921 m
The jute كوليب purification Alaalitin called insulin. The injection was the first person named Leonard Thompson, a boy infourteenth-old is about to die and began the gradual improvement and down the sugar level of 520 to 120 and then lived 13 years and then died of pneumonia.
1922 m
Got Pantinj and McCloud Nobel Prize today angry co Pantinj and shared the award with six the McCloud and Shared angry with كوليب, and it came to Altark hands between buddy unfortunately.
1923 AD
Got company Eli Lilly manufactured concession exchange for a percentage of profits paid to the University of Toronto to support research.
1923 AD
Developed insulin to NPH And insulin Allenty
1950 m
Lowering drugs appeared to the level of sugar in the blood
Enable the world Singer know the ingredients of the hormone insulin.
1955 m
Diabetes were divided into two main sections:
The first type - dependent on insulin
Type II - is not supported on insulin
1959 m
Became Alvinforman (metformin derivative thereof) available, as well as (Alokarboz) replaced use Vhlainj test and Benedict (boiling urine changes color if there is sugar) slices and chemically treated paper.
1960 m
Was performing the first pancreas transplant at the University of Manitoba, Canada
1969 m
Human insulin appears to existence after use of genetic engineering technique was synthesized from yeast efforts of scientists from America, Britain and Denmark.
1978 m
Appeared human insulin plant by genetic engineering
1983 m
Appeared modern devices for measuring glucose in the blood.
1985 AD
Began using insulin pen
Developed needles to be the highest and most accurate to relieve the pain.
1986 AD
Been manufacturing human insulin developer (Allispreu - Alheimuluj.)
1996 m
Insulin pumps became available and ongoing research to grow inside the body
As well as sprays that are used in the nose and contains an alternative to insulin injections
2000 M

Discover a cure for diabetes, God willing
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