Diabetes is a common disease that affects approximately thirty million people in the world and many of them do not know they are infected. The patient's body is slow in the use of glucose "sugar" and so increases the rate of glucose in the blood. Kidneys and put part of the excess sugar in the urine. In severe cases of diabetes does not benefit the patient's body fat and protein naturally.
There are two types of diabetes:
The first type, known as "the first model of diabetes "Insulin dependent or what is known as diabetes boys or boys Juvenile onset and knows this type of diabetes insulin-dependent.
The second type is called "second model of diabetes "Non-insulin dependent diabetes is known insulin-dependent or what is known as adult diabetes or adults.
The diabetic patients who are of the first kind Type I there to have a significant deficiency in the hormone insulin, which is produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas caused by a defect or due to the stoppage of production of this hormone due to damage any other reason must for patients of this type use insulin injections as an alternative to insulin lost their.
The second type Type II patients with this type have no deficiency in the secretion of insulin from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, but the insulin receptor cells in the body do not respond to him. The patients of this type are those who are over the age of thirty and who suffer from obesity.
It has been found that 85% of cases of diabetes are type II category. It can control this type following the diet and sports and weight reduction and the use of certain medications or constructed natural oral but patients who can not control their condition diet only use Insulin.