Types of diabetes.. The first type. The second type. Gestational Diabetes

A - Type I: Often affects young in age less than 25 years old, but can appear in adults too 0 This type requires daily insulin injections . And the patient needs to insulin as needed for breathing Hua . Produces this kind of destruction of a large part of the beta cells that secrete insulin the pancreas 0 and this type is less than 10% of the total diabetic patients.
With - Type II : It that appears in adults in most cases ., But may appear in young sometimes . This kind 90% of patients with diabetes . Treatment either by reduced grain diabetes or insulin . And this patient if needed insulin it needs to control high blood sugar, but do not need to live as in type I.
C - Gestational Diabetes : And discovers for the first time during pregnancy . Patient is diagnosed by giving oral glucose and then measuring the level of sugar in the blood . And here advised of the need to work sugar analysis for any pregnant woman in the period from the twenty-fourth week to the twenty-eighth of pregnancy .
The gestational diabetes disappears after birth, and maybe back again in another pregnancy, and may continue thereafter for life . Therefore woman, who has a history of injury gestational diabetes should be conducted periodic tests to make sure there is no sugar j.
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