Factors that cause serious injury type I diabetes in children

The first type as we usually appears between the stage birth until the age of thirty. It affects young males and females are equally likely.
Studies have shown the presence of a number of risk factors that cause a first type of sugar in children:
- Child's illness at an early age.
- Not breastfeeding from the mother's breast and drinking cow's milk in infants.
- Aging mother.
- The mother is the first type of sugar.
- The mother of high blood pressure during pregnancy.
- Been linked to obesity in children the possibility of infection by a large type II diabetes at an advanced age. Some studies have shown also a close relationship between the increase in birth weight and obesity during childhood as a major cause of disease, type I diabetes. The main factor for this is the increased weight. This, at least theoretically could strain the beta cells in the pancreas which makes it more susceptible to damage and the occurrence of the first type of sugar, especially among children who have a genetic predisposition to the disease.
Although most cases of diabetes in children is of the first type, but the estimate at the present time indicate that the rate of 8% and 45% of the newly discovered cases of sugar in children is of the second type, which may be the main cause of obesity in children .
Cow's milk
The study showed that children who are fed by drinking cow's milk during the first eight days of birth more susceptible to the first type of sugar equivalent to one and a half times compared with those who rely on breastfeeding from mother's milk. It may be the reason that contain milk components may help regulate the immune system and thus prevent diabetes in those children.
Studies have shown that children who are diagnosed with type I diabetes newly They often have high rates of antibodies to a particular type of protein found in cow's milk, and is known as the "cow's milk whey protein BSA . "Which is similar to a protein in beta cells.
As the infant stomach can not digest foods including proteins well, the large proteins Undigested pass through the intestinal walls into the blood. The body such proteins, including BSA , Exotic materials who shall secrete antibodies to attack it. May get an error in identifying the beta cells whereupon those antibodies to attack because they resemble protein BSA And destroy. On the whole there are studies currently working to verify a fact relationship between cow's milk and diabetes of the first type.
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