Secondary species for diabetes.. Hereditary. Crash pancreas. Endocrinology. As a result of taking drugs. Result of viral infections

1 - hereditary, as a result of a defect in the dye leads to genetic deficiency in the formation and secretion of insulin. 
2 - any disease destroys the pancreas.
3 - endocrine diseases such as Cushing's syndrome Cushing's Syndrome , Excessive secretion of thyroid Hyperthyroidism And acromegaly (parties) Acromegaly. 
4 - as a result of taking drugs such as thyroid hormone Thyroid Hormone And nicotinic acid Nicotinic Acid And steroids Steroids.
5 - As a result of viral infections that affect the pancreas, such as inflammation of the virus Saitomegalo Cytomegalo Virus And measles congenital Congenital Rubella (Any child born infected with measles from the mother during pregnancy).
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