Autoantibodies to various lipid phosphorous Autoantibodies to different phospholipids
Containing the plasma membrane types of lipids negatively charged phosphorus and phosphorus lipids hybrid Phospholipids zwitterions Cal PE Making them potential targets for antibodies APA , That the fact that PE Qualitative target for antibodies APA Is of particular importance because of the need him in order to show the effectiveness of anti-clotting protein C- Activated and that inhibition of this activity is an effective mechanism to increase coagulation (Laroch et al., 1996).
The CL Which have a specific distribution significantly in the inner membrane of the mitochondria can not be longer target Regular antigenically in vivo for antibodies APA,
Leading some researchers to propose using phosphorus lipids other to determine APA antibodies.
Use PS Kmstdd alternative that most antibodies ACA PayPal would be linked PS Which resemble actual CLIn being positioned in the membranes of endothelial cells and platelets, and in any case it was found thePS In the internal fold of cellular membranes is activated and undergo rotational antibodies only after activating the tanker it of cell to external fold, so, there is a question whether PS Physiology antigen antibodies APA (Luiz et al., 1989).