Antigenic determinants privacy and abortion.. Sabotage of the lining of the blood vessels and platelet membranes vessels inhibiting Albroostoschaelin which is tantamount to an enlarged blood vessels

Antigenic determinants privacy and abortion Epitop specificity
It is now clear that APA antibodies Interact with lipids phosphorous, but there is considerable debate about the antigenic determinants Epitops That interact with these antibodies.
The phosphorous lipid molecules are components of cell membranes and formation of antibodies to these lipids phosphorous linked to many of the conditions which the effects of further academic studies, as theAPA antibodies Have the ability to sabotage events to the lining of the blood vessels and platelet membranes and through discourage Albroostoschaelin that is tantamount to an enlarged blood vesselsVasodilator And overlap With activated protein C (Harris et al., 1985 a, b) , Mizbb in platelet adhesion and relatively high Althermbucsan Thromboxan Which is a contractile vascular Vasoconstrictor Causing in the case leading to the events of thrombotic process, which could have, if I got in the uterine circulation placental fetal death or impaired growth, due to lack of oxygen or blood contained him. 
Some phosphorous lipid molecules and more particularly Alvesfotidil serine (PS) Have Altsaqah properties allowing cellular docking and thus become trophoblastic layer cellular Cytotrophoblast Built blastoma cell diet Syncytiotrophoblast Or compact cellular Syncytia And that regulate the passage of nutrients to the fetus (Chong et al., 1995).
Some studies have demonstrated the presence of monoclonal antibodies against PS (And not against CL),which have the ability to inhibit the emergence of a layer built cell in vitro, as well as contain Mchaam women who suffer from them for spontaneous abortion on a high percentage of APA-IgM antibodiesAssociated with a layer built against cellular lipid phosphorous (Chong et al., 1995) .
The possibility that maternal antibodies to lipid molecules phosphorous rise by 10% with all abortions, and that such an effect is cumulative (Beer & Kwak, 1991).
Found that monoclonal antibodies against DNA interact Tsalbea with CL And the effectiveness of LA , Suggesting that DNA and lipid phosphorous antigenic determinants generally interact with antibody APAAnd group Alvesvudayastr Phosphodiester In both DNA and lipid phosphorous are antigenic determinants,as shown in Figure (1-1), also found that removing part Alklisraad Glyceride CL molecule Cause the loss of antigen, suggesting that part Alklisraad longer essential to link antibody may help in guiding a group Alvesvudayastr 
To link well with ACA antibodies This probably explains the reason behind the lack of correlation antibodies Baltrakip other container on the totals Alvesvudayastr Kdzeih DNA (Smeenk et al., 1987; Harriset al., 1985 b).
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