The main actor involved in this discomfort: the prostate. To preserve your urinary comfort on a daily basis, we give you the keys to better understand the  functioning of your prostate  and  its role  in your body.

What you must remember

The prostate is a gland that is part of the male reproductive system.
From the age of 50, the size of the prostate tends to increase
This enlargement of the prostate often leads to urinary and sexual disorders
There are different prostate disorders: benign hypertrophy, prostatitis and cancer
In case of urinary symptoms, it is important to carry out a diagnosis of the various prostate disorders
Prostate cancer is the most common in men
A healthy and active lifestyle can slow the onset and development of prostate disorders

The prostate: what is its role?

The prostate is a small male gland . Its existence often goes unnoticed, until the day when urinary disorders appear. In order to delay these disorders as much as possible, we advise you to take care of it on a daily basis. For this, it is therefore preferable to know its involvement in your organization.
The prostate is a chestnut-shaped gland that is crossed by the urethra (see diagram). It is part of the male reproductive system.

The physiological role of the prostate is to produce prostatic fluid, which is part of the composition of semen. This liquid contains in particular enzymes which make it possible to liquefy the sperm. The prostate therefore participates in the reproductive function.
In women, the equivalence of the prostate are the para-urethral glands.
Proper functioning of the prostate depends on male hormones called androgens. However, it has no particular hormonal function 1 . Its volume increases during two periods of your life:

At puberty, with increased testosterone production
After 50 years
Let's now discover how it is involved in urinary comfort.

The involvement of the prostate in urinary comfort

The proximity of the prostate to the urinary sphere

The involvement of your prostate in your urinary comfort is mainly explained by its location. Indeed, the prostate is  located along the urethra and close to the bladder . The slightest disturbance can then have consequences on the urinary sphere.

The impact of aging

In men, urinary discomfort usually appears  with age . The causes are multiple, but the main one is the increase in the size of the prostate, which occurs around the age of 50 1 . By enlarging, the prostate creates pressure on the bladder and reduces the urethral canal, which leads to urinary pain and impaired bladder function. We will come back to it.
This type of prostate disorder can have consequences on your quality of life: let's discover them together.

Prostate disease

Adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
We talked about it earlier, your prostate grows from around 50 years old. This enlargement is also called “  benign prostatic hyperplasia  ” (BPH). It can therefore be characterized as a benign tumor. The number of people with hypertrophy increases with age and stabilizes at about 79 years of age 2 . Nearly 1 in 2 men  are affected after the age of 50 3 . Be aware that BPH does not increase the risk of prostate cancer 4 .
However, this increase in the volume of the prostate often causes urinary disorders. In addition, we find an association between these urinary disorders and sexual dysfunction in half of men aged 50 and over 5 .


Enlargement is not the only common disorder in men. There is also prostatitis, which can occur at any age. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate 6 . There are 4 categories:

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis  : severe symptoms + urinary tract infection;
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis  : infection of the prostate by bacteria, without symptoms but repeatedly;
  • Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis  : chronic pain in the lower abdomen called pelvic pain + urinary or sexual disorders, but without urinary tract infection;
  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis  : inflammation of the prostate without urinary or sexual problems.
  • Bacterial prostatitis is less common than non-bacterial. Specifically for you, note that 12% of men are affected by pelvic pain including prostatitis, and only 10% of these men are affected by bacterial prostatitis.

prostate cancer

Know that prostate cancer is  the most common cancer in men 7 . Its incidence increases with age, but fortunately its 5-year survival rate is  over 90% 8 . In 2018, there were 50,400 new cases in France 9 . Good news: the  number of deaths  linked to this disease  is decreasing  a little each year.

The consequences of a prostate disorder

Depending on the person and the type of prostate disorder, the symptoms can be more or less intense and disabling. An enlarged prostate, for example, may not affect quality of life.

Know the symptoms

In the case of prostate disorders, certain symptoms can give you a clue. These are mainly abnormalities in the way you urinate 10 :

You have  urgent  urges to urinate: we speak of “emergency”. These cravings are usually unbearable and uncontrollable, leading to urine leakage.
You often want to urinate  : your doctor will characterize this phenomenon as "pollakiuria" if you urinate more than 10 to 15 times a day.
You urinate often at night  : it is then “nocturia” when you urinate more than twice during the night.
You encounter difficulties when urinating  : you have the feeling of having to "push", your stream is weak and inconsistent, etc.
You can't completely empty your bladder.
Diagnosis of prostate disorders
Have you ever encountered any of the symptoms mentioned above? We therefore advise you to have examinations carried out immediately to detect any prostate problems. To do this, contact your doctor. The first exams are 1 :

  • Questioning  : by answering certain questions, you will be able to assess the type of urinary discomfort you are suffering from, that is to say obstructive discomfort (urination disorders) or irritative discomfort (pain).
  • Digital rectal examination  : this palpation consists of detecting any pain (signs of acute prostatitis), an increase in the volume of the prostate (sign of benign hypertrophy), or its firmness (sign of cancer, even if the firmness concerns only one area of ​​the prostate).
  • The determination of total serum PSA  : PSA, "Prostate Specific Antigen", is a specific antigen of the prostate. Assaying this antigen makes it possible to identify the possible presence of various prostatic disorders. Depending on the level, this makes it possible to suspect an enlargement of the prostate, acute prostatitis or prostate cancer.
  • Cytobacteriological examination of urine (ECBU)  : this examination consists, among other things, of showing leukocyturia, which is an abnormally high quantity of white blood cells present in the urine. Why are we interested in these white blood cells? Because they are our little fighters, who help us fight  infections . The leukocyturia discovered then makes it possible to identify a possible acute prostatitis.

The consequences on the quality of life

Beyond the physical symptoms, prostate and urinary disorders can have consequences on your quality of life. Indeed, they often make your daily life difficult by causing  social, psychological  or even hygiene problems . Especially since all these disorders are often underestimated and therefore treated late 11 .

Factors favoring prostate disorders

The lifestyle

  • In your daily lifestyle, certain factors tend to favor the appearance of possible prostate disorders.
  • First of all,  tobacco  is a real risk factor for developing benign prostatic hyperplasia 12 . In addition, from 2 drinks per day, alcohol  also increases this risk 13 .
  • Your  diet  has a big impact on the health of your prostate. A diet of  red meat  and  dairy products  high in  saturated fatty acids , for example, is associated with a higher risk of developing hypertrophy 13 .
  • Being  sedentary  also increases the risk of contracting benign prostatic hyperplasia, compared to people exercising regularly 12 .
  • Stress, on the other hand, tends to promote the development of disorders 14 . If you are stressed, you will have more difficulty fighting against the various prostate disorders that you may be suffering from.

Daily advice to guarantee your prostate comfort

The most effective way to take care of your prostate is to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. For this, we give you some tips to apply on a daily basis.

Prevention & stress

First of all, an essential point in the prevention of prostate disorders is to consult a doctor regularly. The latter will thus be able to diagnose any anomalies in your prostate at an early stage and prevent their development. In particular, you can carry out a check-up with a urologist.

It is also essential to limit stress . This requires changes in your habits, but also by better control of your emotions. Serenity will benefit your prostate health.

Adapt your diet

We then recommend that you have a suitable diet 7 . It is particularly preferable to reduce your consumption of refined cereals, sugary drinks and foods, but also saturated fatty acids:

  • Consume less meat  (this limitation does not apply to poultry, such as chicken or turkey)
  • Prefer  steam cooking  and avoid frying
  • Reduce stimulants  such as coffee but also tobacco
  • And increase your intake of foods containing  selenium ,  lycopene  and/or  calcium . Selenium is contained in significant quantities in eggs or fish such as tuna 15 . Lycopene is a natural red pigment belonging to the carotenoid family. It is found, for example, in tomatoes, peppers and grapefruit. Calcium, on the other hand, is hidden in particular in dairy products and green vegetables such as spinach.
  • You can also include more  whole grains in your daily meals: wholegrain rice, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread, etc. In case of constipation, these cereals will enrich your diet with fiber and thus facilitate your transit. Know that it is essential to  limit constipation  to avoid putting pressure on the urinary organs. This will help you control your urge to urinate.
  • In addition, to limit your nocturnal awakenings, reduce your  fluid intake after 6 p.m.  and remember to urinate just before going to bed.

Apply these nutritional tips in practice by making a tuna and tomato pie recipe (ingredients for 4 people)!  For this you need:

  • For the dough For garnish
  • 200g semi-wholemeal flour (T80)
  • 10 cl of water
  • 5 cl of olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 2 round tomatoes
  • 2 cans of natural tuna
  • 3 tablespoons of mustard
  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 20 cl of light and semi-liquid fresh cream
  • 2 pinches of pepper


Preheat the oven to 200°C. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients for the dough and knead until you can make a ball. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough and place it on a pie pan. Prick the bottom of the dough and spread the mustard evenly. Crumble the tuna and spread it over the bottom of the pie. Rinse and cut the tomatoes into slices. Place these rings on the tuna. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the fresh cream and milk. Pepper and add this mixture to the pie.
To finish, place the pie in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown and looks cooked to you. Let cool slightly and serve. Good tasting !

Adopt micronutrition

Finally, think about micronutrition! The food supplements PROSTAGUARD and PUMPKIN SEED OIL from Laboratoire LESCUYER contribute to the proper functioning of your prostate.
PROSTAGUARD  is composed of saw palmetto, also called saw palmetto, which contributes to good urinary function. It also contains African plum, which promotes urinary comfort and the proper functioning of the prostate. There is also nettle, supporting the elimination functions of the kidneys. Its vitamin B6 content helps regulate your hormonal activity. Finally, it contains antioxidants like vitamins E, B2, zinc and selenium which protect your body from  oxidative stress.

Which fruit is best for prostate?

Diet and an enlarged prostate

Share on Pinterest Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are recommended as part of an enlarged prostate diet. The prostate gland is controlled by powerful hormones known as the sex hormones, including testosterone.

Is coffee good for the prostate?

Many studies have shown that drinking coffee may lower a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, delay the progression of the disease, and keep prostate cancer from coming back.

What exercise shrinks prostate?

Include Aerobic Exercise

Exercise that is good for your heart is also good for prostate and sexual health. Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, like swimming, biking, speed walking, or hiking on most days of the week.

How does a man live without his prostate?

So if we remove the prostate, what is starting stopping urinary flow? The answer is nothing! If there is urine in the bladder (and there always is), it will flow right through to the outside. Men without a prostate need another way to gain control over urination.

Can prostate regrow after removal?

It is known that the prostate starts to grow again after surgery and about one in ten men need a repeat procedure within ten years of having TURP. Researchers are hoping to secure funding for a follow-up trial to compare how quickly the prostate grows back in men who had either TURP or ThuVARP procedures.

How is life after prostate removal?

This is when the surgeon removes the entire prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and often, pelvic lymph nodes. The most common side effects of prostate cancer surgery are urinary incontinence (the inability to control your bladder) and erectile dysfunction, or ED (the inability to achieve a full erection).

How often do men need prostate?

Men who choose to be tested who have a PSA of less than 2.5 ng/mL may only need to be retested every 2 years. Screening should be done yearly for men whose PSA level is 2.5 ng/mL or higher.

How can a man check his prostate?

Digital rectal examination (DRE) is when a health care provider inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into a man's rectum to feel the prostate for anything abnormal, such as cancer.

Is prostate a serious problem?

It's not a cancer and it's not usually a serious threat to health. Many men worry that having an enlarged prostate means they have an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This is not the case.

Can you live without prostate?

People without prostates can live full and healthy lives. However, there are side effects to be aware of. Prostate removal surgery is sometimes done to treat prostate cancer. Removing the prostate can cure prostate cancer and dramatically improve survival odds.

Can you pee normal without a prostate?

The chances of you having urinary problems may be influenced by your age, weight and the physical characteristics of your urethra (the tube that moves urine from your bladder out of your body). However, a majority of men are eventually continent (able to regulate urine) after a radical prostatectomy.

Can prostate problems go away?

An enlarged prostate does not lead to prostate cancer or testicular cancer. However, BPH won't go away on its own, and it can have a major effect on your quality of life and health if left untreated.

At what age do prostate problems start?

Because the prostate gland tends to grow larger with age, it may squeeze the urethra and cause problems in passing urine. Sometimes men in their 30s and 40s may begin to have these urinary symptoms and need medical attention. For others, symptoms aren't noticed until much later in life.

Do men need their prostate?

You could live without your prostate (it is not essential for life), but it plays a key part in fertility and reproduction, and grows during adolescence under the influence of the male hormone testosterone and its byproducts.

What does a prostate do for a man?

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder in men and surrounds the top portion of the tube that drains urine from the bladder (urethra). The prostate's primary function is to produce the fluid that nourishes and transports sperm (seminal fluid).
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