Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Treatment of vaginal discharge .. External Lotion for Girls and shower vaginally for women

Use an external lotion for girls and a vaginal shower for women with any of these things.
1-3 tablespoons of chamomile in a liter of water, boiled, filtered and then used.
2-3 tablespoons of the seeds of the ring in a liter of water and boil and then filtered and used.
3 - 3 tablespoons of white grit leaves + 3 tablespoons of oak peel in a liter of water, boil and be used.
4 - Put the amount of hand grip of the bark of oak in a liter of water and boil on the fire several minutes and then filtered by a piece of gauze, and uses a warm vaginal shower once before sleep.
5 - Grind 50 grams of parsley seed, like chamomile, grind well and boil in a liter of water for 15 minutes, then filtered and used as warm vaginal douche twice a day morning and evening until symptoms disappear.
6 - boil a liter of water and add a tablespoon of salt and a vaginal shower.
7 - boil water and add a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water and works a vaginal shower once a day.
8 - Mix the amount of chamomile, coriander and anise in equal parts and grind well, and rub a spoon with a cup of boiling mint.
9 - Use the amount of chamomile and the same from the ring ground by adding 2 tbsp to a liter of boiling water and leave until it is warm and filtered and used as a vaginal douche twice a day.
10 - Grind the black bean and knead honey and work loads of the evening for the morning.
11-tablespoon rosemary + 1 teaspoon marigold + 1 tablespoon chamomile The mixture is boiled and used as a vaginal douche for 20 minutes.
12. Honey is used as a vaginal wash with warm water to clean the vagina and treat white and yellow secretions.
13 - boiled black bean as a vaginal shower.
14. The lady sits in a bath with flowers of chamomile.