To protect yourself from dehydration, take plenty of fluids and foods that contain water, such as fruits and vegetables, as you can get plenty of fluids from sources other than water, such as other drinks and some food items. Athletes should not wait for the thirst for fluids to replace the fluids they lose during exercise.
There are some situations that may require more fluids than usual, including:
• Disease: When the first signs of the disease, start to eat plenty of water and solutions that compensate for fluids. Do not wait until the drought occurs.
• Exercise: It is generally better to start taking plenty of fluids the day before your exercise. In addition, two cups of water should be taken two hours before exercise, such as a marathon. It is also advised to take fluids during sports activity at regular intervals and continue drinking water and other fluids after the end of activity. Paul Saf's light color is a good sign of body moisture.
• Environment: The body needs to take more water in hot or humid weather to help reduce body temperature and compensate for what it lost by sweating. The body may also need to take more water in cold weather in case of sweating due to wear heavy clothes. Warm indoor air may dry the skin, which may require increased fluid intake. Elevations above 2500 m can also affect the amount of water the body needs. If you get dry during exercise in hot weather, try to be in the shade area, and lie down and take fluids to compensate for what you lost.
There are some situations that may require more fluids than usual, including:
• Disease: When the first signs of the disease, start to eat plenty of water and solutions that compensate for fluids. Do not wait until the drought occurs.
• Exercise: It is generally better to start taking plenty of fluids the day before your exercise. In addition, two cups of water should be taken two hours before exercise, such as a marathon. It is also advised to take fluids during sports activity at regular intervals and continue drinking water and other fluids after the end of activity. Paul Saf's light color is a good sign of body moisture.
• Environment: The body needs to take more water in hot or humid weather to help reduce body temperature and compensate for what it lost by sweating. The body may also need to take more water in cold weather in case of sweating due to wear heavy clothes. Warm indoor air may dry the skin, which may require increased fluid intake. Elevations above 2500 m can also affect the amount of water the body needs. If you get dry during exercise in hot weather, try to be in the shade area, and lie down and take fluids to compensate for what you lost.