Complications of dehydration.. Heat injury. Brain swelling. Epileptic seizures. Shock. Kidney failure. Coma and death

Drought can lead to serious complications, including:
• Heat injury: The severity of this injury ranges from mild convulsions due to heat to the free thaw, which may turn into a heat stroke that may in some cases be life-threatening.
• Brain swelling: The body's cells may absorb a large amount of water during the process of fluid compensation, causing the cells to bulge and then burst, which can lead to serious consequences, especially if brain cells are affected.
Epileptic seizures: These seizures occur when the discharge of electric charge in the brain becomes irregular, resulting in involuntary contractions and sometimes loss of consciousness.
• Trauma: Trauma is one of the most serious complications of dehydration. It occurs when the blood volume decreases, leading to a decrease in blood pressure, followed by a decrease in the amount of oxygen that reaches the tissues. It should be noted that if this condition is not treated quickly, it can lead to death within minutes.
Kidney failure: This condition, which is life-threatening, occurs when the kidneys are unable to get rid of excess fluid and waste in the blood.
Coma and death: If the drought is not treated quickly and correctly, it may lead to death.
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