Economic format:
The concept of economic development refers to the organized procedures and measures under which the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are carried out by society and within a specific social framework.
Impact of Economy on Society:
Economic structure is an integral part of society and is closely linked to the rest of the patterns. When society is subjected to vibrations in its economic pattern, it affects other aspects. Social problems such as theft, violence and migration may threaten the whole pattern.
The impact of the economy on the development of societies:
The nature of the historical stage of society governs the type of economic structure where the more complex society and specialization reflected on the economic pattern, the economy in modern societies differs from primitive communities in several aspects, including:
First: the absence of money, banks, industries or foreign or international trade systems in particular.
Second, the primitive economy is based on traditional concepts of production such as exchange, exchange, distribution and ownership according to gender or other standards that differ from modern societies.
Societies in terms of economic format are divided into:
In many societies, the economic system is used to classify human societies. They divide societies and classify them on an economic basis, dividing them into agricultural, industrial, socialist, and capitalist.
The concept of economic development refers to the organized procedures and measures under which the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are carried out by society and within a specific social framework.
Impact of Economy on Society:
Economic structure is an integral part of society and is closely linked to the rest of the patterns. When society is subjected to vibrations in its economic pattern, it affects other aspects. Social problems such as theft, violence and migration may threaten the whole pattern.
The impact of the economy on the development of societies:
The nature of the historical stage of society governs the type of economic structure where the more complex society and specialization reflected on the economic pattern, the economy in modern societies differs from primitive communities in several aspects, including:
First: the absence of money, banks, industries or foreign or international trade systems in particular.
Second, the primitive economy is based on traditional concepts of production such as exchange, exchange, distribution and ownership according to gender or other standards that differ from modern societies.
Societies in terms of economic format are divided into:
In many societies, the economic system is used to classify human societies. They divide societies and classify them on an economic basis, dividing them into agricultural, industrial, socialist, and capitalist.