Treatment of the watercourse that affects humans and animals.. Benzamidazole compounds such as mebendazole or phenybazazole

Cervical gingivitis affects the liver, lungs and various organs of the human body, as well as sheep, camels, cattle (buffalo), horses and pigs.
Humans, sheep, cattle and camels are the intermediate host in the life cycle of the worm.
While the fungus lives in the main host, the dog, the wolf and the fox.
the Treatment:
The treatment of hydrocephalus is still at an early stage where the various anthelmintics did not give good results against the stage of the larvae.
However, some recent studies have shown that the use of Benzimidazol, such as mebendazol or Fenbendazol for prolonged periods in infected rodents, has the potential to damage or kill these vesicles. Preliminary studies have shown that these compounds lead to the cessation or regression of these larvae.
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