One of the most important factors in the treatment is (Intensive Education):
A - We need intensive health awareness in the sensitivity of food significantly because when we identify a particular type of food as a cause of allergies we must educate the patient how to avoid this irritant and what alternatives exist and how to use them.
B - Alternative food should provide the nutritional balance of the patient because malnutrition will be the end.
C - All this needs careful care and continuous follow-up by a nutritionist.
D - This may seem easy but in fact it is difficult and needs a great effort of the medical team to be aware of what the patient will submit
E. It is difficult to explain to the patient all the sources of food containing this food, for example, imagine if we want to educate the patient to avoid milk, how many foods containing milk is too many.
We also educate the patient on how to read the contents of any food purchased from the market (commercial foods) by monitoring the contents and identifying alternative names for that food that the patient can read on the outside of the food tray.
o Alternative Alternatives: Alternatives to the same type of food that causes allergies should be avoided.
o Example: Alternative names for eggs
Albumin, mayonnaise, ovalbumin, ovomucin, ovomucoid. A shiny glaze on baked goods also may indicate the presence of eggs.
o This is difficult to apply to foods that do not have an explanatory explanation from the outside that explains its contents, such as restaurants, fast food and sweets. Therefore, patients with food allergies are advised to eat their meals inside the house for easy knowledge of their contents or to buy canned food if they know How to use the alternative names method.
o Taking into account the patient's conviction of these alternatives without affecting the physical and psychological aspect of him.
A - We need intensive health awareness in the sensitivity of food significantly because when we identify a particular type of food as a cause of allergies we must educate the patient how to avoid this irritant and what alternatives exist and how to use them.
B - Alternative food should provide the nutritional balance of the patient because malnutrition will be the end.
C - All this needs careful care and continuous follow-up by a nutritionist.
D - This may seem easy but in fact it is difficult and needs a great effort of the medical team to be aware of what the patient will submit
E. It is difficult to explain to the patient all the sources of food containing this food, for example, imagine if we want to educate the patient to avoid milk, how many foods containing milk is too many.
We also educate the patient on how to read the contents of any food purchased from the market (commercial foods) by monitoring the contents and identifying alternative names for that food that the patient can read on the outside of the food tray.
o Alternative Alternatives: Alternatives to the same type of food that causes allergies should be avoided.
o Example: Alternative names for eggs
Albumin, mayonnaise, ovalbumin, ovomucin, ovomucoid. A shiny glaze on baked goods also may indicate the presence of eggs.
o This is difficult to apply to foods that do not have an explanatory explanation from the outside that explains its contents, such as restaurants, fast food and sweets. Therefore, patients with food allergies are advised to eat their meals inside the house for easy knowledge of their contents or to buy canned food if they know How to use the alternative names method.
o Taking into account the patient's conviction of these alternatives without affecting the physical and psychological aspect of him.
Food allergy