Causes of Speech Pathology.. Neurological disorder controlling speech and injury centers of speech in the brain damage or swelling or inflammation or bleeding and defects of the verbal system

Speech Pathology
Speech disorders occur in some children during their growth, which is normal, and these usually disappear with growth. If they continue to develop satisfactorily, therapeutic interventions should be performed.
Causes of Speech Disorders:
There are many causes of speech diseases, the most important of which are:
1. Vital causes:
(The palate, the tongue, the teeth, the lips and the jaw) are damaged, distorted or malformed, and the auditory system is defective, and the body is weak, Forcing the left child to write with the right hand, delayed growth in general, and mental impairment.
2 - psychological reasons:
Such as conflict, anxiety, pent-up fear, emotional trauma, introversion, neuroticism, poor self-confidence, pent-up aggression, emotional deprivation, lack of affection and affection, pressure and emotional tension and embarrassment.
3. Environmental causes:
Such as poor family harmony, family distress, family rupture, parents' anxiety about speech, overprotection, responding to the child's needs without the need to speak, and the suggestion of parents, siblings, friends and colleagues that the person has speech disorder and poor school and social compatibility.
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