Medical examination is the beginning of the effort and the work done by the doctor, and the examination of the health of the patient on an apparent examination, by observing the signs and clinical signs as the appearance of the patient and his body. The doctor may use some medical instruments and equipment such as a medical device and a pressure gauge. The purpose of the examination is to verify the existence of certain signs or phenomena that help the doctor in the development of the appropriate diagnosis of the disease. In the case of inability to access the diagnosis of disease through simple tools, the doctor can resort to more accurate and thorough tests, such as medical analysis, radiation and binoculars.
Based on the above, the medical examination is in two stages:
The first is the stage of preliminary medical examination, in which the doctor uses his hand or ear or some simple equipment, which is necessary before resorting to any treatment.
The second is the stage of complementary medical examination, in which the doctor conducts in-depth tests using modern equipment to show the patient's condition, such as analysis, imaging and planning. This stage is translated into the evidence obtained from the preliminary examination, and the results are extrapolated to the precise diagnosis of the disease.
Failure to perform primary tests before starting treatment or surgery can be a liability. The French judiciary said that preliminary medical examinations for the patient were necessary before embarking on surgery or treatment, and that the negligence of the doctor in conducting such tests was a mistake in his part, which he is responsible for.
Based on the above, the medical examination is in two stages:
The first is the stage of preliminary medical examination, in which the doctor uses his hand or ear or some simple equipment, which is necessary before resorting to any treatment.
The second is the stage of complementary medical examination, in which the doctor conducts in-depth tests using modern equipment to show the patient's condition, such as analysis, imaging and planning. This stage is translated into the evidence obtained from the preliminary examination, and the results are extrapolated to the precise diagnosis of the disease.
Failure to perform primary tests before starting treatment or surgery can be a liability. The French judiciary said that preliminary medical examinations for the patient were necessary before embarking on surgery or treatment, and that the negligence of the doctor in conducting such tests was a mistake in his part, which he is responsible for.
medical errors