Main respiratory disorders:
A - Asthma Asthma: It is sometimes called the name of asthma and nervous, and see the difficulty of breathing due to shrinkage of swellings and swelling of mucous membranes and increase the secretion of the bronchial mucosa and feeling of pressure on the chest and chest constriction and approaches and the difficulty of passage of air to and from the lungs. Fouts usually occur after emotional events.
B - including inflammation of the mucous of the nose.
A - Asthma Asthma: It is sometimes called the name of asthma and nervous, and see the difficulty of breathing due to shrinkage of swellings and swelling of mucous membranes and increase the secretion of the bronchial mucosa and feeling of pressure on the chest and chest constriction and approaches and the difficulty of passage of air to and from the lungs. Fouts usually occur after emotional events.
B - including inflammation of the mucous of the nose.