Regarding the natural history of BPH, what is the average decline in peak urinary flow rate?
A- 0.1mls/sec/year
B- 0.2mls/sec/year***
C- 0.3mls/sec/year
D- 0.4mls/sec/year
E- 0.5mls/sec/year
Answer B:
You are required to be aware of the natural history of BPH and the Olmstead study showed an average decline of 0.2mls/sec/year in patients with BPH.
A- 0.1mls/sec/year
B- 0.2mls/sec/year***
C- 0.3mls/sec/year
D- 0.4mls/sec/year
E- 0.5mls/sec/year
Answer B:
You are required to be aware of the natural history of BPH and the Olmstead study showed an average decline of 0.2mls/sec/year in patients with BPH.