What is the risk of retention in a 70-79 year old with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms?
A- 3 per 1000 person years
B- 9 per 1000 person years
C- 18 per 1000 person years
D- 26 per 1000 person years
E- 34 per 1000 person years***
Answer E:
This data comes from the Olmstead County Study (required reading) which showed that men aged 70-79 with moderate/severe symptoms had a retention risk of 34.7 /1000 person years.
A- 3 per 1000 person years
B- 9 per 1000 person years
C- 18 per 1000 person years
D- 26 per 1000 person years
E- 34 per 1000 person years***
Answer E:
This data comes from the Olmstead County Study (required reading) which showed that men aged 70-79 with moderate/severe symptoms had a retention risk of 34.7 /1000 person years.