Psychosomatic disorders .. Physical diseases affecting the organs of the body or any system in the whole body but affect the central nervous system

No body disease affects a member of the body, or any system in the whole body, except the other central nervous system, and respond to the disease, which resolved a certain part of the human entity of human, in response to the Pathological Process Emergency or chronic.
"The doctors were shocked by a day when two of the world's top surgeons, Havery Cushing, the founder of brain surgery and Chares Mayo, the founder of the famous surgical hospital in America, surprised her. They said in a large medical field that they saw the stomach ulcer Of emotional tensions, of any psychological reasons, and yet gave empirical evidence on the validity of their opinion .. ".
"The medical opinion was that stomach ulcers arise from an imbalance that the stomach membrane is eroded by acidic acid, like food, but the causes of this dysfunction remained vague until the evidence in recent years confirms the effect of psychological emotions in the functions of the stomach, And the serious disturbance that may result in the end of the sore ulcer. "
"It is worth recalling the observations of Wolf and his colleague in a unique case, which is undoubtedly a talking document, and they were able to see a patient who had surgery (about a century ago) with a hole in the stomach that resembled a gastric mouth, He chewed his food and poured it into a tube that entered the stomach through this hole, and Wolf and his colleague were able to observe the effect of different stimuli in the mucous membrane and in the movement of their walls. If these changes persist for a long time and intensify, In the stomach membrane there are patches of bleeding and bruising, which, if long lasting, can turn into real ulcers, even if the secretion subsides, the congestion drops, and the movement ceases, these ulcers are no longer able to heal. ) That observed the emergence of ulcers in the stomach in some patients, on the back irritation of the parapsamtawi when performing operations in the brain.
We see the patient as a guide: "I am a man of ability, activity and production, and I am the people of grants, and help people and bear the consequences, I make sure that people trust me, and that I am the capable leader. I do not need anything or ask anyone. " But psychoanalysis reveals what this apparent behavior of hidden tendencies is the opposite of this behavior, strong tendencies to be the subject of love and affection, and an urgent desire to receive help and dependence on others.
Psychological analysis also indicates that these patients deny themselves these hidden tendencies, and then silence them in their depths, and in themselves they conduct a violent hidden conflict. It seems - then - that what distinguishes the behavior of these patients is to deny the need for them to seek love and contact with others, instead of receiving from others, see them make a tender, and instead of relying on others see them strive for independence and self-sufficiency.
The motivation for these patients to deny their tendencies is what they feel about the return to childhood, when the child was dependent on his parents, who can only receive love and help.
It is not difficult to discern the relationship between the conflict in these patients and the dysfunction of their stomach. The tendency to receive love and food has been closely linked to nutrition since childhood, when the child received both love and food from one hand. When the mother hugged her baby breastfeed her breast, but above the heat of her breast and tenderness kisses. It is accompanied by permission to receive love from the dawn of life, so that the reception of food is a symbol of the arrival of love, the deprivation imposed by these patients on themselves is often provoking the functions of nutrition, activating the stomach to the movement and to excrete the juice as if preparing to receive food.
The greater the denial of these tendencies was the great urgency, and the physiological alternative, I mean the activity of the stomach to excretion is great. However, gastric secretion in these conditions is not normal, because it is not associated with eating, so that the flow of gastric acid juice, free of food, should lead to a chronic disorder that may end up eroding the gastric membrane and the formation of the ulcer.
We can not fail to point out that the psychological analysis of disease cases has shown that the symptoms of mental illness and personality deviations have a meaning that can be learned from the analysis of patients and delinquents, and they have a function to perform the personality, hence the personal attachment to them and clinging to the survival of disease or deviation, Back on the personality of them. Psychological analysis has also shown that these symptoms have a logical logic that is revealed by the analysis, as if the symptoms are intentional and purposeful, but all that is intentional to the unconscious, and a distorted goal is distorted so as to avoid and avoid the forces of repression and resistance. Hence, the symptoms of mental illness are incomprehensible, difficult to explain, and to solve their mysteries and treatment to undergo the process of psychological analysis, because it is not aware of something as a whole unconscious. It should also be noted that the susceptibility of each disease to treatment and recovery is different, and that the susceptibility of each patient to the same disease will vary - in terms of recovery - as well as the case for physical diseases.
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